Intermezzo–options for loading multiple providers of data – part 10
We have 2 national banks – and we gather exchange rates from there. What if we want to add more banks -or let other programmers to add their dll’s to our software to just display the exchange rates from other banks ?
Option 1: HardCode all the list
var l = new List<IExchangeRates[]> { new GetFirstBank()), new GetSecondBank()), };
Option 2: Reading from some config file the list of classes – letting DevOps to modify the config file
var l = new List<IExchangeRates[]>; foreach(var line in File.ReadAllLines(“myListOfExchangeRates.txt”){ IExchangeRates r= Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(line)) as IExchangeRates ; l.Add ( r ); }
Option 3: Reflection – in the current assembly or in all assemblies to load the classes that implements the interface to load the data
var typeToFound = typeof(IExchangeRates); Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var types = a.GetTypes() .Where(it=>it.IsPublic) .Where(it => it.GetInterface(typeToFound.FullName)!=null) .ToArray(); foreach(var t in types) { recognizes.Add(Activator.CreateInstance(t)as IExchangeRates); }
Option4 Load as plugins
use the library from and there are 2 lines , basically:
var loader = new LoadExchangeProviders("plugins"); var exchange = loader.LoadExchangeProviders().ToArray();
And one hour passes...(This is the result of 1 hour per day auto-challenge as a full cycle developer for an exchange rates application)
( You can see the sources at )
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