Bingo Meetings- documenting code–part 24
Bingo is a small project, written in TypeScript , and developed with Alexandru Badita in launch break (one hour - more or less). You can find sources at . Those are my blog posts for Bingo : ( scroll below for the post)We have already documented the process of reproducing our code on developer PC ( including docker …) So now we should help programmers understand the code that we have create and it’s general use.
For this, for any project that we have :
1. We should add a file to explain the project
2. We should add documentation for any class
3. We should generate the documentation for any class in a readable form ( preferably html)
3. We should deploy somewhere the documentation
For the first point, this is very easy ( although painful to write ). However, we should add a link to the 4th point , the link to the documentation.
For point 2 and 3 (adding documentation for any class and generating html ), we could use .
And ,because we are used to docker, I created build_code_documentation.txt docker file that runs typedoc on every project
FROM node:10
COPY package.json ./package.json
COPY bingo-cards-api/package.json ./bingo-cards-api/package.json
COPY bingo-cards-api-objects/package.json ./bingo-cards-api-objects/package.json
COPY bingo-cards-ui/package.json ./bingo-cards-ui/package.json
COPY bingo-meeting-console/package.json ./bingo-meeting-console/package.json
COPY bingo-meeting-objects/package.json ./bingo-meeting-objects/package.json
COPY bingo-meeting-objects-test/package.json ./bingo-meeting-objects-test/package.json
COPY yarn.lock ./yarn.lockRUN yarn install
COPY . ./
RUN npm install –global typedoc
RUN yarn build
RUN typedoc –mode file –out docs/source/bingo-cards-api –ignoreCompilerErrors –excludePrivate –excludeProtected bingo-cards-api/src
RUN typedoc –mode file –out docs/source/bingo-cards-api-objects –ignoreCompilerErrors –excludePrivate –excludeProtected bingo-cards-api-objects/src
RUN typedoc –mode file –out docs/source/bingo-cards-ui –ignoreCompilerErrors –excludePrivate –excludeProtected bingo-cards-ui/src
RUN typedoc –mode file –out docs/source/bingo-meeting-console –ignoreCompilerErrors –excludePrivate –excludeProtected bingo-meeting-console
RUN typedoc –mode file –out docs/source/bingo-meeting-objects –ignoreCompilerErrors –excludePrivate –excludeProtected bingo-meeting-objects
RUN typedoc –mode file –out docs/source/bingo-meeting-objects-test –ignoreCompilerErrors –excludePrivate –excludeProtected bingo-meeting-objects-testCMD tail -f /dev/null
And the bat file just copy on hard disj
docker build .. -f docker_build_code_documentation.txt -t bingo_build_code_documentation
docker run -d –rm –name bingo_build_code_documentation_container bingo_build_code_documentation
docker cp bingo_build_code_documentation_container:/app/docs/source .
docker container kill bingo_build_code_documentation_container
For the last point, we can deploy documentation at github pages , in a separate folder in docs, named source ( we will just copy the files genetated by docker)
You can find the result of the documentation at
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