Bingo for meetings–finalizing API for web–part 16
Bingo is a small project, written in TypeScript , and developed with Alexandru Badita in launch break (one hour - more or less). You can find sources at . Those are my blog posts for Bingo : ( scroll below for the post)The API that we want to create is
- create meeting
- add participant
- check cards
- see result meeting(
Those API’s were simpler for the console application, because of the single participant involved.
There are also some technical problems and some architectural ones.
Let’s start with technical: nestjs suggest ( as per sample project with contacts) to add a route like:
@Put(':id/addParticipant') async addParticipant(@Param('id') id: any, @Body() nameParticipant: string): Promise<Meeting> { // console.log(`userName : ${JSON.stringify(cm.userName)} meetingName: ${JSON.stringify(cm.meetingName)}`); return this.meetingsService.AddParticipant(id, nameParticipant); }
However , this is not available to be tested via Swagger – so we modify to
export class AddParticipant { @ApiModelProperty() meetingId: any; @ApiModelProperty() nameParticipant: string; } //CODE OF THE CONTROLLER OMITTED @Put('addParticipant') async addParticipant(@Body() addParticipant: AddParticipant): Promise<Meeting> { // console.log(`userName : ${JSON.stringify(cm.userName)} meetingName: ${JSON.stringify(cm.meetingName)}`); return this.meetingsService.AddParticipant(addParticipant.meetingId, addParticipant.nameParticipant); }
Also, when we handle in the meeting service the CheckCard we discover to be missing something for the original DDD model . For example, we need a FindCard and FindParticipantAfterName .
public checkCard(idMeeting: any, idCard: number, nameParticipant:string ): Meeting{ const m = this.meetings.find(it => it.Id === idMeeting ); // TODO: throw if meeting is null const c = m.FindCard(idCard); // TODO: throw if card is null const p = m.FindParticipantAfterName(nameParticipant); // TODO: throw if participant is null m.CheckCardByParticipant(c, p); return m; }
For the architectural ones:
- The service that we just created should be tested and put into the right project. It could belong to the bingo-meeting-objects.
- The controller has some classes that should be tested. However, the classes involving in the @Body have swagger attributes, so they cannot be moved into bingo-meeting-objects .
export class AddParticipant { //bingo-meeting-objects should not have reference to swagger properties @ApiModelProperty() meetingId: any; @ApiModelProperty() nameParticipant: string; }
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