My name is Andrei Ignat and I have 21 years programming experience. I have started from VB3 , passed via plain old ASP ,former C# Microsoft Most Valuable Professional, actual moderator .Before that I was a teacher.
For questions book 5 minutes from my time:
I am also a consultant, author, speaker , community leader and moderator.
My programming specialties are .NET / Angular / Docker/ VBA / Sql Server.
My classes ( 2-3 days)
1. Class about Design Patterns
2. Class about ASP.NET Core
3. Class about Modern Web Applications .NET Core with Angular
4. Crash Course on .NET Core 3
7. Crash Course on .NET Core 5
8. Crash Course on .NET Core 7
If you have a programming question(s) regarding any of the above subjects just call me over skype ignatandrei and I will try to solve. Usually, in those subjects, I am successful to solve any problems.
My full list of speaking sessions are here
This is a testimonial from Ronald Norman
and another one from Thomas Lentfort
Another one from Ciprian Barbu , that I have mentored for applying to internship:
In mare parte mi s-a parut o experienta unica pana in momentul asta al vietii. Prin asta ma refer la faptul ca mi s-a parut extrem de interesant modul de gandire si analiza asupra proiectelor, modul in care se partajeaza codul, gandirea in sine. Apoi limbajul in sine; practic am invatat un intreg limbaj de programare de la 0(sau avand doar o mica idee de cum ar trebui sa functioneze) pana in punctul in care sa pot aplica la un Internship si chiar sa lucrez in prezent la ei. Inca un lucru care mi-a placut inca de la inceput a fost interactiunea cu dumneavostra. Modul in care mi-ati explicat in detaliu(si cu exemple practice) fiecare subiect dezbatut si aria de intindere(de la proiectarea unui proiect, la Back-End si pana la folosirea de la 0 a Angularului) au fost printre elementele care m-au facut sa imi placa extrem de mult aceste intalniri, care desi au fost sustinute intr-un loc nu neaparat academic, au avut un mare impact in dezvoltarea mea nu doar ca programator cat si ca om.
I wait your problems by calling skype ignatandrei
My usual headline for conferences:
Andrei Ignat has >20 year programming experience. He started from VB3 , passed via plain old ASP and a former C# Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP).
He is also a consultant, author, speaker, community leader and moderator.
You can ask him any .NET related question – he will be glad to answer – if he knows the answer. If not, he will learn.