Bingo for meetings – part 3 – finalizing the “Create Meeting” scenario
Bingo is a small project, written in TypeScript , and developed with Alexandru Badita in launch break (one hour - more or less). You can find sources at . Those are my blog posts for Bingo : ( scroll below for the post)In the “Create Meeting” scenario it was something that we have passed : ” application generates an unique Id that I can access the bingo cards ( state : not checked) for that meeting ” ( see )
How we can emulate this ? Obviously, the meeting starts with a set of cards – but how about participants ? Do they have the same set of cards and check them ( bingo ) ?
There are some possible things to be programmed here:
1. The meeting have the unique set of cards and the dictionary of
2. Every participant , when joining the meeting, have a copy ( by reference ) of the meeting cards and an array to see what is checked
3. Every card keep an array of participants that shows what participant have checked the card.
Guess what is easiear to implement ?
However, we have put a function on the meeting
public AllUnchecked(): boolean{ return (this.Cards.filter(it=>it.IsChecked()).length === 0); }
and a test to ensure that, when creating a meeting, the function returns false.
So now the first scenario is done !
( On a personal note, I see that yarn is better than npm )
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