SideCarCLI- diagram for how it is working

Summary links SideCarCLI

NoName + Link 
3Refactor specifications and code
4Create Release
5Finish interceptors
6Send part of command to interceptors
7Line Interceptors
8Finish process after some time
9Documetation Diagram
10Technical Summary
11Create dotnet tool
( Description : SideCar for CLI applications. Interceptors for Line, Finish, Timer . See Code )

Usually , a picture is better than words . So , I can explain how SideCarCLI works – or I can draw an image.

The easiest way to draw an image is with –  that has also a live editor at .

The code for generating the picture is


participant S as SideCar

participant R as Real Application

participant L as Line Interceptor(s)

participant F as Finish Interceptor(s)

participant T as Timer Interceptor(s)

S->>R: Start Application

loop for each timer in json

S->>T: Start Timer application


loop for each line output from real application

R->>S: Send Output  Line to SideCae\r

S->>+L: Start Line Interceptor with line output in command line

L->>-S: execute and returns


R->>S: End Application

S->>+F: Send line output

F->>-S: execute and returns

and you can see here the picture