Category: .NET Core

OpenSource library- publishing

Following the rules at



AOP Roslyn


DO publish stable packages and pre-release packages you want community feedback on to



CONSIDER publishing pre-release packages to a MyGet feed from a continuous integration build.



CONSIDER testing packages in your development environment using a local feed or MyGet. Check the package works then publish it to



DO use a Microsoft account to sign in to NuGet.



DO enable two-factor authentication for accessing NuGet.



DO enable email notification when a package is published.


For 1: Done already. However, I do not like pre-release packages

For 2: Too much hassle for a single developer. Using instead NuGet

For 3: Yes , I have already a build.bat to do this

For 4: Yes.(NuGet allows only that now)

For 5 : Yes

For 6: Yes.

OpenSource library- Source Link

Part 1

Implement Open-source library guidance

Part 2

OpenSource library – Cross-platform targeting

Part 3

OpenSource library-Dependencies

Part 4

OpenSource library- Source Link

Part 5

OpenSource library-versioning

Part 6

OpenSource library- Breaking changes

Part 7

OpenSource library- conclusion

The documentation at says to enable source link.



AOP Roslyn


CONSIDER using SourceLink to add source control metadata to your assemblies and NuGet packages.



CONSIDER including symbol files (*.pdb) in the NuGet package.

Done already(2)

For (1) : I have followed the instructions at

For(2): It was done already by csproj configuration.

OpenSource library–Dependencies

Part 1

Implement Open-source library guidance

Part 2

OpenSource library – Cross-platform targeting

Part 3

OpenSource library-Dependencies

Part 4

OpenSource library- Source Link

Part 5

OpenSource library-versioning

Part 6

OpenSource library- Breaking changes

Part 7

OpenSource library- conclusion

Now trying to respect what it says at .



AOP Roslyn


DO review your .NET library for unnecessary dependencies.

Done manually(1)


DO NOT have NuGet package references with no minimum version

Done already(2)


AVOID NuGet package references that demand an exact version

Done already(2)


AVOID NuGet package references with a version upper limit

Done already(2)


CONSIDER referencing shared source packages for small, internal pieces of functionality



CONSIDER making your package a shared source package if it provides small, internal pieces of functionality.



DO reference shared source packages with PrivateAssets=”All”.



DO NOT have shared source package types in your public API.



DO NOT publish shared source packages to


For (1): Reviewing .NET library for unnecessary dependencies is practically a manual process. Could be a dotnet global tool – but for the moment I just inspected the .csproj for references and see that all are ncessary

For (2): As I read from documentation “Typically, the package reference version in the project file is the minimum version and there’s no maximum.” .So doing nothing I am at the good point

For (5), I usually put a new dll or NuGet package – I do not share code source. So this is done also without friction.

OpenSource library–Strong naming

The strong naming is something that I have not have done usually, so it will be interesting following .



AOP Roslyn


CONSIDER strong naming your library’s assemblies.

Not –see below


CONSIDER adding the strong naming key to your source control system.

easy- not


CONSIDER incrementing the assembly version
on only major version changes to help
users reduce binding redirects, and how often they’re updated.



DO NOT add, remove, or change the strong naming key.

easy- not


DO NOT publish strong-named and non-strong-named versions of your library.

easy – not

I have tried to add signing – it is pretty easy in Visual Studio to generate a new pfx fiel to sign code. However, when compiling, it requires all dependencies to be signed

CSC : error CS8002: Referenced assembly ‘PortableConsoleLibs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ does not have a strong name. [C:\projects\aop-with-roslyn\AOPRoslyn\aopCmd\aop.csproj]

So , if one of your referenced libraries is not code signed, it is a big no

The other requirements are pretty easy..

OpenSource library – Cross-platform targeting

Part 1

Implement Open-source library guidance

Part 2

OpenSource library – Cross-platform targeting

Part 3

OpenSource library-Dependencies

Part 4

OpenSource library- Source Link

Part 5

OpenSource library-versioning

Part 6

OpenSource library- Breaking changes

Part 7

OpenSource library- conclusion

At there are the recommendations  for Cross platform. Let’s see what needs to be done for

Let’s see:


Nr Recommandation AOP Roslyn
1 DO start with including a netstandard2.0 target. Done – the main dll, AOPRoslyn, is already .netstandard2,0
2 AVOID including a netstandard1.x target. Not needed
3 DO include a netstandard2.0 target if you require a netstandard1.x target. Not needed
4 DO NOT include a .NET Standard target if the library relies on a platform-specific app model. Not needed
5 CONSIDER targeting .NET implementations in addition to .NET Standard. Not needed
6 AVOID using multi-targeting with .NET Standard if your source code is the same for all targets. Not needed
7 CONSIDER adding a target for net461 when you’re offering a netstandard2.0 target. OK> see later point 9


8 DO distribute your library using a NuGet package. Done


9 DO use a project file’s TargetFrameworks property when multi-targeting Struggle to implement/ partially done – modified AOPRoslyn.csproj
10 CONSIDER using MSBuild.Sdk.Extras when multi-targeting for UWP and Xamarin as it greatly simplifies your project file. Not needed
11 DO NOT include a Portable Class Library (PCL) target. OK
12 DO NOT include targets for .NET platforms that are no longer supported. Not needed

I tried to modify to include


( Attention: Framework, not Framework)

First , you should publish the .csproj

dotnet publish <path to csproj>

should be modified with -f=”netstandard2.0″

Then , each dependency should support it :

error NU1202: Package PortableConsoleLibs 1.0.0 is not compatible with net461 (.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1). Package PortableConsoleLibs 1.0.0 supports: netcoreapp2.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0)

So you should contact the owners to support it – or re-compile the sources, if you have.

So I will stick with

“DO NOT include targets for .NET platforms that are no longer supported.” including NET461.

Conclusion: 11 / 12 it is a good score.

Implement Open-source library guidance

Part 1

Implement Open-source library guidance

Part 2

OpenSource library – Cross-platform targeting

Part 3

OpenSource library-Dependencies

Part 4

OpenSource library- Source Link

Part 5

OpenSource library-versioning

Part 6

OpenSource library- Breaking changes

Part 7

OpenSource library- conclusion

I have written previously a booklet about “Making Open Source Component from idea to deploy With examples from .NET Core” .

Now  Microsoft and contributors make a library guidance for OpenSource projects at  . I will take as a working point my component, , and see where it goes and how many things I already implemented.

The items are:

Cross-platform targeting   
Strong naming   
NuGet and open-source libraries   

I will implement each one in one blog post

My Async Await tutorials

Rule of thumb: just await / async from top to down.


To deeply understand async await in .NET Core , please follow the following resources:


1.  – to gain inner knowledge about what code is async / await

2. Read to have started into async await

3. Read MSDN for a better understanding :

4. Common pitfalls in ASP.NET  Framework( not in console! ) with async await:

5. No problem in ASP.NET Core:

Happy reading !

.NET Core And Angular at CodeCamp Bucuresti

I have presented on Saturday at a technical talk about how to make a fast POC that can run on Web, Desktop and Mobile , The presentation will show a clear example of code that is necessary for that ( code at  ).

You can see working demo without CORS at , with CORS at and a Mobile app at

It was a good opportunity to learn something new at the conference – many good technical tracks and old friends that is an opportunity to see again.

Latest commits notes from github

For AOP with Roslyn I want to automatically get the latest commits message before doing a new commit.

This was  solved easily using 

The code is  very simple:

public async Task<DateForCommit[]> BetweenLatest2Commits()
var client = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("GitBetweenCommits"));
var rep = await client.Repository.Get(Author, RepositoryName);
var relLatest = await client.Repository.Release.GetLatest(rep.Id);
var relAll = await client.Repository.Release.GetAll(rep.Id, new ApiOptions() { PageSize = int.MaxValue - 1 });
var relBeforeLatest = relAll.OrderByDescending(it => it.CreatedAt).Skip(1).FirstOrDefault();

var dateLatest = relLatest.CreatedAt;
var dateBeforeLatest = relBeforeLatest.CreatedAt;

var commits = await client.Repository.Commit.GetAll(rep.Id, ApiOptions.None);
var res = commits
    .Where(it => 
    it.Commit.Author.Date >= dateBeforeLatest
    .Select(it => new DateForCommit()
        Author = it.Commit.Author.Name,
        Message = it.Commit.Message,
        CommitDate = it.Commit.Author.Date.DateTime
return res;

It works also as a .NET Global tool
Install with

dotnet tool install –global dotnet-gcr

run with

dotnet gcr

for example for the arguments are

dotnet gcr ignatandrei AOP_With_Roslyn

NuGet at

Full Code at

Circular references on .NET , Entity Framework and WebAPI

Imagine having a class Department( ID, Name) and Employee ( ID , Name, IDDepartment) . You want to return in the WebAPI the Departments with the Employee . It is simple to wrote this code:

public IEnumerable<Department> Get([FromServices] MyTestDatabaseContext context)
var departments = context.Department.Include(iterator=>iterator.Employee).ToArray();
return departments;

But the problem is with circular references when serializing  : The Department has a list of  Employees  that have a Department that have a list of Employees that …



Solution 1 :  Delete/Comment from the EF generated code what you do not need ( in this case , the Department reference that the Employee has)

public partial class Employee
public int Idemployee { get; set; }
public string NameEmployee { get; set; }
public int Iddepartment { get; set; }

//public Department IddepartmentNavigation { get; set; }

Solution 2 : Nullify the reference

public IEnumerable<Department> Get([FromServices] MyTestDatabaseContext context)
var departments = context.Department.Include(iterator=>iterator.Employee).ToArray();
foreach (var dep in departments)
foreach (var emp in dep.Employee)
emp.IddepartmentNavigation = null;
return departments;

( maybe this should be add to the partial class of the employee ?)



Solution 3: Handle circular references in serialization

.AddJsonOptions(opt =>
opt.SerializerSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects;
opt.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;

Solution 4: Make a read DDD design. Read

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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