.NET Core And Angular at CodeCamp Bucuresti

I have presented on Saturday at https://bucuresti.codecamp.ro/ a technical talk about how to make a fast POC that can run on Web, Desktop and Mobile , The presentation will show a clear example of code that is necessary for that ( code at https://github.com/ignatandrei/angNetCoreDemo/  ).

You can see working demo without CORS at https://ang-net-core.herokuapp.com/ , with CORS at https://ignatandrei.github.io/AngNetCoreDemo/ and a Mobile app at https://app.bitrise.io/artifact/9332781/p/ef7a0b7e945d69e01697390dcef867de

It was a good opportunity to learn something new at the conference – many good technical tracks and old friends that is an opportunity to see again.