Category: .NET Core

From unstructured data to application

Imagine that you have this kind of texts:

Alpert of Metz – 11th-century – France – Medieval writers
Aimoin of Fleury – c. 960 – c. 1010 – France – Medieval writers
Amulo Lugdunensis (Archbishop of Lyon) – 9th-century – France – Medieval writers
Amulo Lugdunensis (Archbishop of Lyon) – 9th-century – France / Carolingian Empire – Medieval writers
Andrew of Fleury – 11th-century – France – Medieval writers
Angelomus of Luxeuil – 9th-century – Francia / France – Medieval writers

Vitsentzos or Vikentios Kornaros or Vincenzo Cornaro – c. 1553 – c. 1614 – Kingdom of Candia / Crete / Greece – Renaissance

Adrianus of Tyre – c. 113 – c. 193 – Greece / Roman Empire – Ancient & Classical writers

How transform this unstrcutured data to make an application that search like in the picture below ( just the R from CRUD )?

Detailing  the tools:

1.  Transforming data: Excel + VBA – to parse from the text the name, country / countries , years period  movement and generate insert  /stored procedurees call

2. Storing+ retrieving data: Sql Server – creating tables and stored procedures to insert / retrieving data

3. Acessing data: .NET Core – to make WebAPI to export as WebAPI HTTP endpoints t

4. Display data:

5. Deploy:

  • RedfHat OpenShift to deploy site
  • Azure to have sql server on the web

Hours or work ~ 20 . And hey, it works!

.NET Core SignalR Hub+ Angular Observable

TL;DR: Deliver all the table content continuously paginated to the browser with .NET Core and Angular

Long Description:

I was thinking that delivering paginating data is kind of lame. Why should I , for seeing the whole data, should keep pressing next page / or scrolling  down ? I understand that on the server it is necessary to do this – but on the client ?

And I was thinking – what about Observables in Angular  , combined with SignalR ? Those observables could obtain data every time – and SignalR is pushing cotinously, until it arrives at the end of the data.

Done with talking –  let’s show some code:

We have an Employee classs

public class Employee
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Id { get; set; }



and we are feeding with data in a DALEmployee

public class DalEmployee
        public int FindCountEmployees(string name)
            return ((name ?? "").Length + 1) * 10;

        public async Task<Employee[]> FindEmployee(int pageNumber, int pageSize, string name)
            await Task.Delay((pageNumber + 1) * 1000);
            var ret = new Employee[pageSize];
            int startNumber = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize;
            for (int i = 0; i < pageSize; i++)
                var e =new Employee();
                e.Id = startNumber + i;
                e.Name = e.Id + "employee ";
                ret[i] = e;

            return ret;

We have SignalR that delivers continously the data via a Hub that is connected to an URL

//do not forget  services.AddSignalR().AddJsonProtocol()  ;
            app.UseSignalR(routes =>

and delivers all data continuously

 public class MyHub: Hub
        public override async Task OnConnectedAsync()
            await Task.Delay(1000);
        public ChannelReader<Employee[]> GetEmps(string name)
            var channel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<Employee[]>();
            _ = WriteItems(channel.Writer, name); //it not awaits!

            return channel.Reader;

        private async Task WriteItems(ChannelWriter<Employee[]> writer, string name)
            var dal = new DalEmployee();
            var nr = dal.FindCountEmployees(name);
            int nrPages = 10;
            for (int i = 0; i < nr / nrPages; i++)
                var data = await dal.FindEmployee(i+1, nrPages, name);
                await writer.WriteAsync(data);


And this is all that is required on the .NET Core side

For the Angular Part

We have a hubconnectionbuilder that connect to the hub

export class MydataService {

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) { 
    this.h= new HubConnectionBuilder()
      .withUrl(environment.urlAPI + "/employees")
      .withHubProtocol(new JsonHubProtocol())
      //.withHubProtocol(new MessagePackHubProtocol())
    .catch((t) => window.alert(1));

and a observable that returns the values

  public getAllEmpsStream(name:string): Observable<Employee[]>{
    const subject = new Subject<Employee[]>();<Employee[]>("GetEmps",name).subscribe(subject);
    return subject.asObservable();


The code on the component is aggregating the values into an array

      .pipe(finalize(() => this.load=false))
      .subscribe(it  => {



And that is all. All the values are returned page after page without the need of human intervention…

Angular , .NET Core, IIS Express and Windows Authentication

2 years ago I have written about .NET Core Windows Authentication : 

The idea was that for Windows authentication this is mandatory in Web.Config:


Now I want to show how to achieve the same in  IIS Express .NET Core as backend and Angular for front end

For .NET Core / IIS Express

1. Configure IISExpress : 

On short: find %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config  or %userprofile%\my documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config  and put

<windowsAuthentication enabled="true">
        <add value="Negotiate" />
        <add value="NTLM" />

2.  On your project: Put in launchSettings.json :

“windowsAuthentication”: true,
“anonymousAuthentication”: false,

3.  Optional: To verify add an Action that returns

(this.User?.Identity?.Name ?? "Not ad enabled")

For Angular

return this.http.get(url,{
withCredentials: true

4. ASP.NET Core 2.1

Windows authentication is not enabled after creating project with the Windows authentication option selected
When creating a template with Windows authentication, the settings to enable Windows authentication in launchSettings.json are not applied.
Workaround: Modify launchSettings.json as follows:

“windowsAuthentication”: true,
“anonymousAuthentication”: false,

.NET Core 2.0 WebAPI with .NET Framework 4.6( for COM interoperability)

The problem :

I want some .NET Core Web API in Kestrel mode that have access to some COM components ( such as Word.Application )


( Theory : in order to have dll’s that works in .NET Framework application and in .NET Core, you should have .NET Standard 2.0 along .NET Framework 4.6.1 and .NET Core 2.0 ( see )

Step 1 :  create the .NET 4.6.1 dll that access the COM object

Step 2: create the .NET WEB API application. Edit the .csproj file and replace the target framework with


Save the .csproj

Step 3 ; Remove the Microsoft.AspNetCore.All metapackage and install yours . For me it was enough to install those 3:

install-package microsoft.aspnetcore.mvc

install-package Microsoft.AspNetCore

install-package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics

( you may want to add CORS and/or others)

Step 4: run

dotnet restore


dotnet build

Step 5: Reference the dll that you have created in the Step 1  and reference from a controller action. Build again.

Step 6; Check that you have now an exe file in build / debug / net461. You can run this exe / deploy in IIS /

Tiny Types–documentation–part 4

This is a series



tiny types in C#

Build Status

Tiny types is a NuGET dll ,

Also , you can find the construction here:

The documentation is copied shameless from


To install the module from nuget : … Install-Package TinyTypesObjects …

Defining Tiny Types

An int on its own is just a scalar with no meaning. With an object, even a small one, you are giving both the compiler and the programmer additional information about what the value is and why it is being used.

Jeff Bay, Object Calisthenics

Single-value types

To define a single-value TinyType – extend from TinyType<T>() :

If you want operator ==, please use TinyTypeOf or TinyTypeOfString

using TinyTypesObjects;

public class Age : TinyTypeOf<int>
        public Age(int nr) : base(nr)

public class FirstName : TinyTypeOfString
        public FirstName(string str) : base(str)


Every tiny type defined this way has a get property value of type T, which you can use to access the wrapped primitive value. For example:

var firstName = new FirstName("Jan");

Assert.AreEqual(firstName.value , "Jan");
Converting from / to original values

There are defined conversions between type T and the class

public void TestConvert()
            string s = "";
            TinyTypeOfString tt = s;
            Assert.AreEqual(s, (string)tt);

            int nr = 7;
            TinyTypeOf<int> tt1 = nr;

            Assert.AreEqual(nr, (int)tt1);

so the following code should work for the class with constructor string

class TestConstructor
        public TestConstructor(string firstName)
            FirstName = firstName;

        public string FirstName { get; }
        public void TestConstructor()
            var firstName = new FirstName("Jan");
            TestConstructor tc = new TestConstructor(firstName);
            Assert.AreEqual(tc.FirstName, "Jan");
Equals or ==

Each tiny type object has an equals method, which you can use to compare it by value:

int nr = 7;
            TinyTypeOf<int> tt1 = nr;
            TinyTypeOf<int> tt2 = nr;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsTrue(tt1 == tt2);


Blog About:


TinyTypes–adding equality operator–part 3

This is a series



Now we have come to the interesting part – the equality operator.

We have already operator equals, but not ==

        public void TestSimpleIntOperatorEqual()
            int nr = 7;
            TinyType<int> tt1 = nr;
            TinyType<int> tt2 = nr;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsFalse(tt1 == tt2);
        public void TestSimpleStringOperatorEqual()
            string s = "";
            TinyType<string> tt1 = s;
            TinyType<string> tt2 = s;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsFalse(tt1 == tt2);

Because we primary want this TinyTypes for structs( int, double, bool, and so on) we can define a new class

For this we could implement operator  ==  by using the Equals operator ( because we KNOW that a struct cannot be null)

public class TinyTypeOf<T> : TinyType<T>
        where T:struct
        public TinyTypeOf(T tDef) : base(tDef)

        public static bool operator ==(TinyTypeOf<T> lhs, TinyTypeOf<T> rhs)
            if(lhs is null)
                return rhs is null;
            return lhs.t.Equals(rhs.t);

        public static bool operator !=(TinyTypeOf<T> lhs, TinyTypeOf<T> rhs)
            return !(lhs==rhs);


Also, because the string is not a struct, but a class, we need for String also:

public class TinyTypeOfString : TinyType<string>

And the tests are

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using TinyTypesObjects;

namespace TinyTypesTest
    public class TestTinyTypeOperatorEqual
        public void TestSimpleIntOperatorEqual()
            int nr = 7;
            TinyType<int> tt1 = nr;
            TinyType<int> tt2 = nr;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsFalse(tt1 == tt2);
        public void TestSimpleStringOperatorEqual()
            string s = "";
            TinyType<string> tt1 = s;
            TinyType<string> tt2 = s;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsFalse(tt1 == tt2);
        public void TestSimpleStringOperatorEqualWorks()
            string s = "";

            TinyTypeOfString tt1 = s;
            TinyTypeOfString tt2 = s;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsTrue(tt1 == tt2);

        public void TestSimpleIntOperatorEqualWorks()
            int nr = 7;
            TinyTypeOf<int> tt1 = nr;
            TinyTypeOf<int> tt2 = nr;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsTrue(tt1 == tt2);
        public void TestSimpleIntNrOperatorEqualWorks()
            int nr = 7;
            TinyType<int> tt1 = nr;
            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, nr);
            Assert.IsTrue(tt1 == nr);

Tiny Types part 2–adding IEquatable

This is a series



As always, the bigger problem is adding equality. The Tiny Type should be equal with the inner value – and with the other type with the same value. And, in C#, when you implement equality , there is a whole theory – see .

So the code to define equality is 60 lines long just for defining equality for

public class TinyType<T>:IEquatable<T>, IEquatable<TinyType<T>>


But this is not all. This is the code for testing equality

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using TinyTypesObjects;

namespace TinyTypesTest
    public class TestTinyTypeEquals
        public void TestSimpleStringEquals()
            #region arrange
            string s = "";
            #region act
            TinyType<string> tt1 = s;
            TinyType<string> tt2 = s;
            #region assert
            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<string>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<TinyType<string>>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<string>(s, tt2);
        public void TestSimpleStringWithNull()
            #region arrange
            string s = null;
            #region act
            TinyType<string> tt1 = s;
            TinyType<string> tt2 = null;
            #region assert
            Assert.AreNotEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<string>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreNotEqual<TinyType<string>>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<string>(s, tt2);
        public void TestSimpleStringNull()
            #region arrange
            string s = null;
            #region act
            TinyType<string> tt1 = s;
            TinyType<string> tt2 = s;
            #region assert
            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<string>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<TinyType<string>>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<string>(s, tt2);
        public void TestSimpleIntEquals()
            #region arrange
            int s = 1;
            #region act
            TinyType<int> tt1 = s;
            TinyType<int> tt2 = s;
            #region assert
            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<int>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<TinyType<int>>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<int>(s, tt2);


Tiny types in C#–part 1

This is a series



I have read about tiny types in Javascript  – at and at . It was an interesting idea – especially in this world of REST API .

I decided to make the same on C# – so here it is: and at .

For the moment , the tests are minimal – just to get working :

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using TinyTypesObjects;

namespace TinyTypesTest
    public class TestTinyType
        public void TestConvert()
            string s = "";
            TinyType<string> tt = s;
            Assert.AreEqual(s, (string)tt);
        public void TestBehaviour()
            #region arrange + act
            Author a1 = new Author("andrei", "ignat");
            Author a2 = new Author(
                new FirstName("andrei"),new LastName( "ignat"));

            Author a3 = new Author(firstName:"andrei",lastName: "ignat");
            #region assert
            Assert.AreEqual(a2.FullName(), a3.FullName());
            Assert.AreEqual(a2.FullName(), a3.FullName());


Next time , I will do IComparable / Iequatable /Equals and others

Country Tag Helper–part 5

Now the Country Tag Helper supports .NET Standard 2.0 . This means that support .NET Core 2.0 .

Also, I have made a NuGET package in order to install on every .NET Core 2.0 application with explanations: 

The only trouble here was to add references and make documentation in VS2017 about package ( see )

As I said , the source is at GitHub and demo at

What remains to be done:

add select2 with image flags   

provider / dependency injection for FromIP / wiki on github

Country Tag Helper–part 4


Now I want to see somewhere in order to prove it Ii s right. I choose because it is free – and can not beat free for free source.

I made github integration and modify the .csproj file accordingly to 

The result is at 

Also , I have to modify the code source to get the ip of the user :

string GetUserIP(ViewContext vc)
            StringValues headerFwd;
            if (ViewContext.HttpContext?.Request?.Headers?.TryGetValue("X-Forwarded-For", out headerFwd) ?? false)
                string rawValues = headerFwd.ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rawValues))
                    return rawValues.Split(',')[0];

            return ViewContext.HttpContext?.Connection?.RemoteIpAddress?.ToString();


where ViewContext is

        public ViewContext ViewContext { get; set; }

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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