Category: .NET Core

TinyTypes–adding equality operator–part 3

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Now we have come to the interesting part – the equality operator.

We have already operator equals, but not ==

        public void TestSimpleIntOperatorEqual()
            int nr = 7;
            TinyType<int> tt1 = nr;
            TinyType<int> tt2 = nr;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsFalse(tt1 == tt2);
        public void TestSimpleStringOperatorEqual()
            string s = "";
            TinyType<string> tt1 = s;
            TinyType<string> tt2 = s;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsFalse(tt1 == tt2);

Because we primary want this TinyTypes for structs( int, double, bool, and so on) we can define a new class

For this we could implement operator  ==  by using the Equals operator ( because we KNOW that a struct cannot be null)

public class TinyTypeOf<T> : TinyType<T>
        where T:struct
        public TinyTypeOf(T tDef) : base(tDef)

        public static bool operator ==(TinyTypeOf<T> lhs, TinyTypeOf<T> rhs)
            if(lhs is null)
                return rhs is null;
            return lhs.t.Equals(rhs.t);

        public static bool operator !=(TinyTypeOf<T> lhs, TinyTypeOf<T> rhs)
            return !(lhs==rhs);


Also, because the string is not a struct, but a class, we need for String also:

public class TinyTypeOfString : TinyType<string>

And the tests are

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using TinyTypesObjects;

namespace TinyTypesTest
    public class TestTinyTypeOperatorEqual
        public void TestSimpleIntOperatorEqual()
            int nr = 7;
            TinyType<int> tt1 = nr;
            TinyType<int> tt2 = nr;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsFalse(tt1 == tt2);
        public void TestSimpleStringOperatorEqual()
            string s = "";
            TinyType<string> tt1 = s;
            TinyType<string> tt2 = s;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsFalse(tt1 == tt2);
        public void TestSimpleStringOperatorEqualWorks()
            string s = "";

            TinyTypeOfString tt1 = s;
            TinyTypeOfString tt2 = s;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsTrue(tt1 == tt2);

        public void TestSimpleIntOperatorEqualWorks()
            int nr = 7;
            TinyTypeOf<int> tt1 = nr;
            TinyTypeOf<int> tt2 = nr;

            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.IsTrue(tt1 == tt2);
        public void TestSimpleIntNrOperatorEqualWorks()
            int nr = 7;
            TinyType<int> tt1 = nr;
            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, nr);
            Assert.IsTrue(tt1 == nr);

Tiny Types part 2–adding IEquatable

This is a series



As always, the bigger problem is adding equality. The Tiny Type should be equal with the inner value – and with the other type with the same value. And, in C#, when you implement equality , there is a whole theory – see .

So the code to define equality is 60 lines long just for defining equality for

public class TinyType<T>:IEquatable<T>, IEquatable<TinyType<T>>


But this is not all. This is the code for testing equality

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using TinyTypesObjects;

namespace TinyTypesTest
    public class TestTinyTypeEquals
        public void TestSimpleStringEquals()
            #region arrange
            string s = "";
            #region act
            TinyType<string> tt1 = s;
            TinyType<string> tt2 = s;
            #region assert
            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<string>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<TinyType<string>>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<string>(s, tt2);
        public void TestSimpleStringWithNull()
            #region arrange
            string s = null;
            #region act
            TinyType<string> tt1 = s;
            TinyType<string> tt2 = null;
            #region assert
            Assert.AreNotEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<string>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreNotEqual<TinyType<string>>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<string>(s, tt2);
        public void TestSimpleStringNull()
            #region arrange
            string s = null;
            #region act
            TinyType<string> tt1 = s;
            TinyType<string> tt2 = s;
            #region assert
            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<string>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<TinyType<string>>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<string>(s, tt2);
        public void TestSimpleIntEquals()
            #region arrange
            int s = 1;
            #region act
            TinyType<int> tt1 = s;
            TinyType<int> tt2 = s;
            #region assert
            Assert.AreEqual(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<int>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<TinyType<int>>(tt1, tt2);
            Assert.AreEqual<int>(s, tt2);


Tiny types in C#–part 1

This is a series



I have read about tiny types in Javascript  – at and at . It was an interesting idea – especially in this world of REST API .

I decided to make the same on C# – so here it is: and at .

For the moment , the tests are minimal – just to get working :

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using TinyTypesObjects;

namespace TinyTypesTest
    public class TestTinyType
        public void TestConvert()
            string s = "";
            TinyType<string> tt = s;
            Assert.AreEqual(s, (string)tt);
        public void TestBehaviour()
            #region arrange + act
            Author a1 = new Author("andrei", "ignat");
            Author a2 = new Author(
                new FirstName("andrei"),new LastName( "ignat"));

            Author a3 = new Author(firstName:"andrei",lastName: "ignat");
            #region assert
            Assert.AreEqual(a2.FullName(), a3.FullName());
            Assert.AreEqual(a2.FullName(), a3.FullName());


Next time , I will do IComparable / Iequatable /Equals and others

Country Tag Helper–part 5

Now the Country Tag Helper supports .NET Standard 2.0 . This means that support .NET Core 2.0 .

Also, I have made a NuGET package in order to install on every .NET Core 2.0 application with explanations: 

The only trouble here was to add references and make documentation in VS2017 about package ( see )

As I said , the source is at GitHub and demo at

What remains to be done:

add select2 with image flags   

provider / dependency injection for FromIP / wiki on github

Country Tag Helper–part 4


Now I want to see somewhere in order to prove it Ii s right. I choose because it is free – and can not beat free for free source.

I made github integration and modify the .csproj file accordingly to 

The result is at 

Also , I have to modify the code source to get the ip of the user :

string GetUserIP(ViewContext vc)
            StringValues headerFwd;
            if (ViewContext.HttpContext?.Request?.Headers?.TryGetValue("X-Forwarded-For", out headerFwd) ?? false)
                string rawValues = headerFwd.ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rawValues))
                    return rawValues.Split(',')[0];

            return ViewContext.HttpContext?.Connection?.RemoteIpAddress?.ToString();


where ViewContext is

        public ViewContext ViewContext { get; set; }

Country Tag Helper – part 3

Adding empty item – easy peasy. Just append "<option selected style=’display: none’ value=”></option>";


if (ASPCountryEmpty)
                    string empty = "<option selected style='display: none' value=''></option>";

For getting the IP, I was trying to balance the 2 variants: downloading GeoIP database ( or calling .

I do call – and the next point is to use Dependency Injection … or a provider to do that.

For the moment, the code is:

 private async Task<string> GetCountryCodeFromIP(string ip)
            //ip= "";
            var url = ""+ip;
            var request = WebRequest.Create(url);
            request.Method = "GET";
            using (var wr = await request.GetResponseAsync())
                using (var receiveStream = wr.GetResponseStream())
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.UTF8))
                        string content = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        return content.Split(',')[1];


CountryTagHelper–part 2

Finally, I have arrived at functionality. I said that I want something like

<select asp-country="true" asp-country-selected="US" >


The functionality is very easy to be added:

The entire class is :

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.TagHelpers;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace CTHWeb.Controllers
    [HtmlTargetElement("select", Attributes = ASPCountryAttributeName)]
    public class CountryTagHelper:TagHelper
        private const string ASPCountryAttributeName = "asp-country";
        private const string ASPCountrySelectedAttributeName = "asp-country-selected";

        public bool ASPCountry { get; set; }

        public string ASPCountrySelected{ get; set; }

        static string[] CountryISO;
        //static PropertyInfo[] properties;
        static CountryTagHelper()
            var t =typeof( ResCTH);
            var properties= t.GetProperties(
                BindingFlags.Public |
                BindingFlags.Static |
            CountryISO = properties
                .Select(it => it.Name)
        public override Task ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
            if (ASPCountry)
                bool existSelected = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ASPCountrySelected);
                string option = "<option value='{0}' {2}>{1}</option>";
                foreach (var item in CountryISO)
                    string selected = "";
                    string localizedName = ResCTH.ResourceManager.GetString(item);
                    if (existSelected)
                        bool currentItem = string.Equals(item, ASPCountrySelected, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
                        currentItem = currentItem || string.Equals(localizedName, ASPCountrySelected, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
                        if (currentItem)
                            selected = "selected";
                    output.Content.AppendFormat(option, item, localizedName,selected);
            return base.ProcessAsync(context, output);


The important thing is that it works with other html attributes, like

<select asp-country="true" asp-country-selected="US" disabled=”disabled”>


What it remains to be done:

  1. from IP – recognize the country of the visitor from IP
  2. localized – display messages in other language
  3. first item empty – now it selects Andorra
  4. Add select2 with image flags
  5. NuGet package
  6. / wiki on github
  7. tests

Country tag helper–part 1


What I want to do is to create a Country Tag Helper for core.

Something like

<select asp-country=”true”

and then list all countries in this select. More, it should be localized ( Germany vs Allemagne). That means 1 or more resource files 


First I need initial data: The WorldBank API gives us the names and I have made a project that inspects that API.

To retrieve data in resource format , it is simple:

 var r = new CountriesRepository();
            var arr = r.GetCountries().Result.
                Select(it =>
                $"<data name = \"{it.iso2Code}\" xml:space=\"preserve\" >" +

                $"<value>{}</value>" +
            var s = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, arr);
            File.WriteAllText(@"D:\c.txt", s);


Then we could copy paste into resources:

 <data name = "AW" xml:space="preserve" ><value>Aruba</value></data>
  <data name = "AF" xml:space="preserve" ><value>Afghanistan</value></data>
  <data name = "AO" xml:space="preserve" ><value>Angola</value></data>


Now I want to make a list of those names – so I need this code to translate between C# generated code from resource

public static string AD {
            get {
                return ResourceManager.GetString("AD", resourceCulture);
public static string AE {
            get {
                return ResourceManager.GetString("AE", resourceCulture);


and a list of names to be put into select.

Reflection to the rescue:

  var t =typeof( ResCTH);
            properties= t.GetProperties(
                BindingFlags.Public |
                BindingFlags.Static |
            CountryISO = properties
                .Select(it => it.Name)


The code is on github and I will improve next time.

Making any call to a function of an object thread safe



I was wondering how to modify old code to support threads /task .

So I was making a small project about making any function of an object thread safe.

NuGet Package at :

The solution contain tests and 2 console project for .NET Core and .NET Framework 4.5.1

The usage is pretty easy

Let’s say you have this

Calculation c = new Calculation();

And you want


to be thread safe

In the Package Manager Console write:

Install-Package ThreadSafeObject

Then modify your code to:

Calculation c = new Calculation();
dynamic ts = new ThreadSafe(c);

It is a toy project- however, it has tests to prove it is correct.

You can download the code source from

InternalsVisibleTo usage

I do not know if you know  InternalsVisibleToAttribute  .

I have used on a project , that deals with World Bank API to get information

Let’s take an example: Countries:

I have had a class CountriesRepository, that deals with transforming countries Json from WorldBank to Country classes. How can I test it WITHOUT relying on reading data from the internet ?


1. Make an interface to grab JSON , IJSonData

    public interface IJsonData
        Task<string> JsonData(int page = 1);

2. Make a class JSONCountry that reads JSON from HTTP and implements IJSonData

3.  Make the CountryRepository class with 2 constructors  – one with IJSonData and the default calling JSONCountry

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("WorldBank.Test")]
namespace WorldBank.Repository
    public class CountriesRepository
        private IJsonData data;
        public CountriesRepository():this(new JsonCountries())

//this is internal - could not see by outside projects with exception of WorldBank.Test
//see InternalsVisibleTo above
        internal CountriesRepository(IJsonData data)
   = data;

Optional: when testing manually, save the json into same files on the hard disk – you will need for point 5

4. The code that will use CountryRepository in official way will use the default – will not see the one with IJSonData

var c = new CountriesRepository();
var data = c.GetCountries().Result;

5. The testing code will define another class JSONFromHard that implements IJSonData and reads data from Hard

class JsonFromHard : IJsonData
//code to read files from disk 
// you have saved those when testing manually 
//see point 2 the optional part 

6. Because I have defined InternalsVisibleToAttribute to the WorldBank.Test, the Test dll can see the constructor with IJSonData  and then it class with JSONFromHard   – and I have no dependecy on the Http


public void GetAndInterpretData()
            //uses [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("WorldBank.Test")]
            var c = new CountriesRepository(new JsonFromHard("Countries"));
            var data = c.GetCountries().Result;
            Assert.Equal(218, data.Length);

You can download the project from  to see working.

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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