Category: di

DIForFunctions–improving generating of a constructor for a existing class with Roslyn

It is not so difficult to generate a new constructor for a existing class with Roslyn – however , there are some difficulties:

1. The original class must be declared “partial” – you cannot declare the second as partial if the first was not

2.  The new class must be in the same namespace ( or without namespace) as the original

3. The constructor must have the types declared with  full names  / or get the usings from the existing class ( or , maybe , put the developer to use global usings:

For 1 the dotnet compiler shows an error  – but you can add yours too:

private static bool HasPartial(ClassDeclarationSyntax cds)
             if (cds.Modifiers.Count < 1)
                 return false;
             foreach(var modif in cds.Modifiers)
                 if (modif.Text == “partial”)
                     return true;
             return false;

if (!HasPartial(cds))
                     var dd = new DiagnosticDescriptor(DiagnosticId, Title, “Please add partial to ” + cds.Identifier.Text, Category, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, isEnabledByDefault: true, description: “Please add partial to ” + cds.Identifier.Text);
                     Location? loc = cds.GetLocation();
                     var dg = Diagnostic.Create(dd, loc);

For 2 is somehow more difficult

private static Tuple<string,string> NameAndNameSpace(ClassDeclarationSyntax c)
             var nameClass = c.Identifier.Text;
             var p = c.Parent;
             var namespaceClass = “”;
             while (true)
                 if (p is BaseNamespaceDeclarationSyntax bnsds)
                     namespaceClass = bnsds.Name.ToFullString();
                 p = p?.Parent;
                 if (p == null)
             return Tuple.Create(nameClass, namespaceClass);

And verify if the namespace is null – if it is, do NOT generate namespace declaration

For 3 it is more complicated

private static string? FullTypeVar(SemanticModel? sem,TypeSyntax? ts)
             if (sem == null)
                 return null;
             if (ts is null)
                 return null;
             var typeInfo = sem.GetTypeInfo(ts);
             if (typeInfo.Type is null)
                 return null;

            var theType = ((INamedTypeSymbol)typeInfo.Type);

            var typeField = theType?.ToDisplayString();
             return typeField;

And that it is!

DIForFunctions – Improving constructor–part 5

I have received a suggestion : what if we just put into constructor what we need , and everything else ( such as ILogger ) are into fields ?

The Roslyn Source Code Generator will generate a constructor that calls the this constructor  and will assign fields needed.

Let’s give an example : We wrote

public partial class TestDIFunctionAdvWithConstructor2Args
        private TestDI1 NewTestDI1;

       public TestDI2 NewTestDI2 { get; set; }

       public readonly TestDI3 myTestDI3;

       private TestDIFunctionAdvWithConstructor2Args(TestDI3 test, TestDI2 a)
            myTestDI3 = test;
            NewTestDI2 = a;


and the generator will generate a new constructor with the required  field

public partial class TestDIFunctionAdvWithConstructor2Args
public TestDIFunctionAdvWithConstructor2Args  
(TestDI3 test, TestDI2 a, TestDI1 _NewTestDI1) : this (test,a)
this.NewTestDI1 = _NewTestDI1;
}//end constructor


The code is non trivial  – to find if a constructor exists, take his fields, generate new constructor with all fields.

But , as anything in IT , it is doable .

DIForFunctions–what it does- part 4

You can find a demo at  – see TestCOnsoleAPP. But let’s write here also

Generate (constructor) and functions calls similar with ASP.NET Core WebAPI ( [FromServices] will be provided by DI ) Also, verifies for null .


Reference into the csproj

    <PackageReference Include="RSCG_FunctionsWithDI" Version="2022.6.19.1605" ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" OutputItemType="Analyzer" />
    <PackageReference Include="RSCG_FunctionsWithDI_Base" Version="2022.6.19.1605" />

Then for every class you can write [FromServices]

using RSCG_FunctionsWithDI_Base;
//namespace if necessary
public partial class TestDIFunction
    public bool TestMyFunc1([FromServices] TestDI1 t1, [FromServices] TestDI2 t2, int x, int y)
        return true;
    //more functions

generates the constructor with needed details

public partial class TestDIFunction
private TestDI1 _TestDI1;
private TestDI2 _TestDI2;
public TestDIFunction  (TestDI1 _TestDI1,TestDI2 _TestDI2) //constructor generated with needed DI

 } //end constructor 

//making call to TestMyFunc1
public bool TestMyFunc1(int  x,int  y){ 
var t1 = this._TestDI1  ;
if(t1 == null) throw new ArgumentException(" service TestDI1  is null in TestDIFunction ");
var t2 = this._TestDI2  ;
if(t2 == null) throw new ArgumentException(" service TestDI2  is null in TestDIFunction ");
return  TestMyFunc1(t1,t2,x,y);

so you can call

var test=serviceProvider.GetService<TestDIFunction>();
Console.WriteLine(test.TestMyFunc1(10,3)); // calling without the [FromServices] arguments

DIForFunctions–NuGet- part3

The important part now is to make public – that means NuGet and documentation, The NuGet is pretty simple – with

dotnet pack

and with GitHub Actions – in order to do automatically every time I modify the main. For now, this is the action

name: .NET



    branches: [ “main” ]


    branches: [ “main” ]



    runs-on: ubuntu-latest


    – uses: actions/checkout@v3

    – name: Setup .NET

      uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v2


        dotnet-version: 6.0.x

    – name: Restore dependencies

      run: |

        cd src

        cd FunctionsWithDI

        dotnet tool restore

        dotnet pwsh readme.ps1

        dotnet restore

    – name: Build

      run: |

        cd src

        cd FunctionsWithDI

        dotnet build –no-restore

    – name: TestConsoleProject

run:  |

        cd src

        cd FunctionsWithDI

        cd TestConsoleApp

        dotnet run  –no-build

    – name: create package

if: ${{ github.ref == ‘refs/heads/main’ }}

run: |

        cd src

        cd FunctionsWithDI

        echo ‘now aop’

        #dotnet pwsh AOPMethod.ps1

        #dotnet clean 

        #dotnet build

        echo ‘now pack’

        dotnet pack RSCG_FunctionsWithDI/RSCG_FunctionsWithDI.csproj                        -o nugetPackages  –include-symbols –include-source

        dotnet pack RSCG_FunctionsWithDI_Base/RSCG_FunctionsWithDI_Base.csproj              -o nugetPackages  –include-symbols –include-source

    – name: ‘Upload nuget’

      if: ${{ github.ref == ‘refs/heads/main’ }}

      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2


        name: RSCG_FunctionsWithDI_${{github.run_number}}

        path: src/FunctionsWithDI/nugetPackages

        retention-days: 1

that generates at every run the packages

You will find the sources at  and the nuget at

DI for Functions–idea – part 1

Looking at ASP.NET Core , there is a wonderful feature that  gives you thinking :  you can put in any action for a controller FromServices argument and the framework will complete from, well, services: :

public ActionResult Test([FromServices] MyFunction

What if  you can do the same with any function from any class ?

It will be good, but … how  ?  ASP.NET Core instantiate himself the functions, but I cannot do this. 

I can generate with Roslyn a function that takes not DI arguments . For example , from

public bool TestMyFunc1([FromServices] TestDI1 t1, [FromServices] TestDI2 t2, int x, int y)

Roslyn can generate this

public bool TestMyFunc1(int  x,int  y)

And call the previous function – but HOW we can retrieve the arguments ?

As I see , there are 2 options:

1.  Generate a constructor that have as a parameter the ServiceProvider and find the services from ServiceProvider

2. Generate a constructor that have the DI arguments and assign them as fields .

Now go to work!

Dependency injection choice

For a personal pet project I have needed a DI framework . It relates to WebApi – I need to switch the provider for web api between a console and web – mostly authentication / logging different.

Some years ago was only StructureMap – but now there are a lot.

So I started to investigate to choose between the DI frameworks.

What I have wanted:


1. open license to use in a project – and source code too – to can upgrade.

2. Updated to the last .NET framework ( so , for .NET 10.0 , I will not be left to upgrade myself the source code – I am lazy too)

3. Speed

4. Last but not least:  easy to use – have some simple example to start me with


The first link found was:  – it helps about license . Recomends Autofac. I was not very sure about.

Let’s see who have updated the source code to .NET 4.5 . I started looking at github and google code – and , yes, all are updating the source to the latest framework.

For speed I consider relevant  – if you look down , latest update was(quoting):

“17.11.2013: Added Grace. Updated several containers.”

Recommends  Simple Injector . And from his page seems simple to use.

So my choice is Simple Injector . If you use a DI, please say in the comments what DI and  why.

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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