Dependent Framework Versioning

There are multiple ways to version a software . I have used SemanticVersioning ( ) and Calendar Versioning ( )

Of course , there are others  – please read   – interesting versioning based on e or PI .

However , I want to propose a new standard :

Dependent Framework Versioning

The major version of a  package is the same of the major version of the framework that is installed on . For the others , can be calver or semver or any other – depending on your choice.

For example , I have made a BlocklyAutomation  package for .NET Core 3 – and it is versioned like

For .NET Core 3  –

For .NET Core 5

Why is this ? To be easy identified by the users of the package. If I have one user that have an app  on .NET Core 3 and other on .NET Core 5, how can they identify easy what is the latest version for this package  ? With this approach , this can be done just looking on the major version corresponding with the framework version (and yes, I use calver versioning for the rest – yyyy.Md.Hm)