Friday links 465

  1. oskardudycz/EventSourcing.NetCore: Examples and Tutorials of Event Sourcing in .NET Core
  2. Hosting Two ASP.NET Core Apps In One Host | Khalid Abuhakmeh
  3. The Big Little Guide to Message Queues
  4. Performance testing and antipatterns – Azure Architecture Center | Microsoft Docs
  5. Cloud design patterns – Azure Architecture Center | Microsoft Docs
  6. Using Apache Kafka with .NET – Simple Talk
  7. 10 Useful Angular Features You’ve Probably Never Used | by Chidume Nnamdi | Bits and Pieces
  8. examples | p5.js
  9. Time-To-Live and Expiration — RabbitMQ
  10. Instrument a cloud-native ASP.NET Core microservice – Learn | Microsoft Docs