Friday links 464

  1. Building blocks | Dapr Docs
  2. 10 Reasons Why You Should Write Tests – NDepend
  3. Giorgi/EntityFramework.Exceptions: Handle database errors easily when working with Entity Framework Core. Supports SQLServer, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle and MySql
  4. Being Glue — No Idea Blog
  5. Trevor McKendrick pe Twitter: „ [new thing] – What gets a tweet get retweeted? I love studying narrative & storytelling – so I spent > 20 hours digging through Twitter building an index of popular tweets Here’s 10 categories of tweets that got traction, with a few examples of each:” / Twitter
  6. C# Coding Standards – Updated | Jesse Liberty
  7. structurizr/dsl: Structurizr DSL
  8. The C4 model for visualising software architecture
  9. Top Security Anti-Patterns in ASP.NET Core Applications – Security Boulevard
  10. Serve ML.NET Models as HTTP APIs with minimal configuration