Post Mortem -part 7


This is a part of the series where about how I made the WebAPI2CLI - Execute ASP.NET Core WebAPI from Command Line
Source code on
1WebAPI2CLI - Description
2WebAPI2CLI- Organization
3WebAPI2CLI - implementing
4WebAPI2CLI - tests
5WebAPI2CLI - Devops and CI/CD
6WebAPI2CLI - documentation
7WebAPI2CLI - Conclusions
8WebAPI2CLI - Zip application

It was fun to create and to deal with various technical problems.

It was less fun to make the devops working – however , the previous experiences helped a lot. But even so, waiting to compile the project , making the docs … was not fun.

It was cumbersome writing the documentation – however, I know that , without documentation, the project is useless.

It was daunting writing those blog posts – remembering the phases of the project.

I hope that you enjoy using it!