Category: .NET

Tracebility in .NET -source control – part 3 of 7

Adding version with Source Control

This depends on what source control do you use . We will not discuss this in details – it is enough to searchAssemblyVersion. For TFS or SVN you can use : TfsVersion si SvnVersion

You can use command line too :

Full tutorial with powershell you can find at

I have made a video at :

I can send source code –it is on

Traceability in .NET – 1 of 7

What is traceability?

From Wikipedia, :
Traceability is the ability to verify the history, location, or application of an item by means of documented recorded identification.
We define traceability in software tracking capabilities and implementation of software components to know exactly:
1 The date the component was done (so that we can reproduce the source code)
2 Details of the production (version frameworks, other components, compilation debug / release, other data) so as to have the ability to distinguish between different versions
Assume that we have already answered yes to step 1 (Do you use source control?) from
Also (although we do not use;)) is good to study and Semantic Version

Why we need traceability in software

Suppose we have a source code that you distribute one to several customers. Suppose we modify the code for version two. Some of his old clients make software upgrades – others not. If a customer reports a bug, how do we know which version of the source code had problems?

ASP.NET MVC–find error

I am moderator and a frequent answerer at . Mostly of time the error is in thinking that database connection errors belong to MVC – or other things that are part of the .NET framework, not of MVC . However , I must write here the most confusing problem  that I have encountered:

<start quoting>

“I have an XML file, whose contents I want to display on the browser window using ASP drop down list and LINQ to XML. I am using Visual Studio MVC 4 for this purpose. In the model folder I have created a file to access the XML file, whose contents are :

[… not important code]

In the view folder, I have a asp file as shown

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="MvcApplication7.Controllers.QueryController" CodeBehind="~/Controllers/QueryController.cs" %>

<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">

    <div id="updatePanel">
        <asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="fragment">



And finally in the Controller folder, I have

 namespace MvcApplication7.Controllers
        public class QueryController : System.Web.UI.Page
            // GET: /Query/

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                fragment.DataSource = MvcApplication7.Models.fragmentNameModels.GetFragmentName();
                fragment.DataTextField = "id";
                fragment.DataValueField = "id";

The ID given to the drop down list is "fragment", but when i use it my controller file I get the following error message :

Error 1 The name 'fragment' does not exist in the current context “


<end quoting>

Could you spot the error?

Then re-read the post and found the confusing things that will make assumption that is MVC ( including original poster words, comments and code)


( And , if not, the answer is here )




Foursquare–part 4–conclusions

Part 1: beginning using API:

Part 2: Trying PC version:

Part 3: Improving PC version:

Part 4: conclusions( this blog post)


First conclusion : web is media of choice . The programmers makes API easier for connecting via Web, not via every device. ( although FourSquare have developed native classes  for IOS / Android )

Second conclusion :  with reasonable effort  you can make a version that runs on every platform ( ok, not trying yet Windows phone, but it should not be so different – requires the browser to login). And you will find some implementation that parses the Web Json.

Third  conclusion : Be aware of API changes and prepare for a sustainable effort if the platform is making breaking changes .Those can come from request ( : << As of January 28, 2014, requests that do not include a v parameter will be rejected.  >> ) or from response ( , transforming a string icon property into a class)



It is nice to play with a third party and get the data programmatically.   For example, with the program I just show , I save a text file with my daily activities and put on onedrive :

20140301 214229,Cinema City,
20140301 213600,AFI Palace Cotroceni,
20140301 203400,Ministerul Finanțelor Publice,
20140301 170706,casa,
20140301 163738,Carrefour,
20140301 151818,Gett’s Color Bar,
20140301 142525,Cărturești,
20140301 141331,AFI Palace Cotroceni,
20140301 133653,Catedrala Sfântul Iosif (St. Joseph’s Cathedral),
20140301 122913,World Class Health Academy Downtown,
20140301 120617,McDonald’s,
20140301 103729,Piața Romană,
20140301 095350,Dedeman,
20140301 075136,Dedeman,
20140301 053653,casa,


And relax 




Made by Andrei Ignat,
Source code at
View online at

Solving “No parameterless constructor defined for type of ‘System.String’.”


If you have the problem

No parameterless constructor defined for type of ‘System.String’!

just add the DeserializeObject and InterceptError functions , add this 2 lines:

var obj = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>(json); //json parameter is the string content of the api
<your object> = DeserializeObject(obj, typeof(<your object type>)) as <your object type>; 

watch the debug window and you will see the problems marked with !!!
( See also video at

Long story:

I wanted to do a tutorial for obtaining data from foursquare from Web , Desktop and mobile applications. I have made some research first and I have discovered the API and a library for obtaining data.

Unfortunately, foursquare changed his API and , when deserializing, the application was giving  

“No parameterless constructor defined for type of ‘System.String’.


at this line

fourSquareResponse = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<FourSquareSingleResponse<T>>(json);

I have made a custom code to see where the errors are. 

I do not want to explain the code, just look at it and then I will show how to use:

/// <summary>
        /// TODO: make this add to global errors to return to the caller
/// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        private void InterceptError(string message)
            var cc = Console.ForegroundColor;
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
            Console.ForegroundColor = cc;
        private object DeserializeObject(Dictionary<string, object> dictItem, Type tip)
            var newInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(tip);
            var isDictionary = (tip.GetInterface("IDictionary") != null);
            PropertyInfo p = null;
            foreach (var k in dictItem.Keys)
                var ser=  new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(dictItem[k]);

                Type tipP = null;
                if (isDictionary)
                    tipP = tip.GetGenericArguments()[1];
                        p = tip.GetProperty(k);
                        if (p == null)
                            throw new ArgumentNullException(k);
                    catch (Exception)
                        InterceptError("missing property:" + k + " to class" + tip.FullName + " value:" + ser);
                    tipP = p.PropertyType;
                if (tipP.IsClass && tipP.FullName != typeof(string).FullName)
                    dynamic val = null;
                        val = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize(ser, tipP);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("error for class:" + k + ex.Message);
                        IList arr = dictItem[k] as object[];
                        if (arr == null)
                            arr = dictItem[k] as ArrayList;
                        if (arr == null)
                            var t1 = dictItem[k] as Dictionary<string, object>;
                            if (t1 == null)
                                InterceptError("Not a dictionary, not an array - please contact for " + k);

                            val = DeserializeObject(dictItem[k] as Dictionary<string, object>, tipP);
                            val = Activator.CreateInstance(tipP);
                            var tipGen=tipP.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                            foreach (var obj in arr)
                                val.Add((dynamic)DeserializeObject(obj as Dictionary<string, object>, tipGen));


                    if (isDictionary)
                        ((IDictionary)newInstance).Add(k, Convert.ChangeType(val, tipP));
                        p.SetValue(newInstance, Convert.ChangeType(val, tipP), null);

                else//simple int , string, 
                        if (isDictionary)
                            ((IDictionary)newInstance).Add(k, Convert.ChangeType(dictItem[k], tipP));
                            p.SetValue(newInstance, Convert.ChangeType(dictItem[k], tipP), null);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        InterceptError("!!!not a simple property " + k + " from " + tip + " value:" + ser);
            return newInstance;

Now the original code that throws the error looks this way:

                fourSquareResponse = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<FourSquareSingleResponse<T>>(json);  //json parameter is the string content of the api
            catch (Exception ex)
                var obj = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>(json);  //json parameter is the string content of the api
                fourSquareResponse = DeserializeObject(obj, typeof(FourSquareSingleResponse<T>)) as FourSquareSingleResponse<T>; 

When looking to the debug window, you will see:

!!!not a simple property icon from FourSquare.SharpSquare.Entities.Category value:{"prefix":"","suffix":".png"}


If looking to the source code, you will see

public string icon

And in the foursquare api you will see


    • icon: {
      • prefix: ""
      • suffix: ".png"



    Now it is clear : icon is not a string, is a class!
    So just add a class with required properties , modify the property from string to this class and it is all solved!
    ( for me, the class is:

       public class Icon
           public string prefix { get; set; }
           public string suffix { get; set; }

    and the definition will be:

    public Icon icon

    Moral of the story:

    When obtaining data via HTTP API, just be sure that you can handle modifications!

    Foursquare–part 1 of 4

    I have decided to log my daily routine from FourSquare .  I decided to make a Web application and a desktop application ( console, to be easiear) .

    As a good application, 4Sq have an API at . I suggest you to start with conecting to 4Sq, .

    For WebServers , you will redirect the user to  an URL from 4Sq.

    The user gives his accept to use your application and 4Sq redirects the browser back to YOUR_REGISTERED_REDIRECT_URI

    Then , with the code, you can ask for an access token and then you can search 4Sq API.

    I have searched also a 4Sq application in .NET   – and I found this one :

    Ok, so for implementing with ASP.NET MVC it is relatively simple – I must make an action that can answer to YOUR_REGISTERED_REDIRECT_URI and then ask for user checklist for the previous day – rather simple:

     public ActionResult oldWay(string id)
                var c = new conect4Sq();
                var data = c.CheckinsYesterday();
                return View("~/Views/Home/ShowCheckins.cshtml",data);//TODO: use T4MVC

    You can see the application in work at  – just press the first “learn more” from the left.

    You will find  the source code at

    Problem solved !

    Now the real problem is to do the same thing from a DESKTOP application ( or Console, to be easier) – but this will be in the second part next week!

    Javascript MVVM and ASP.NET MVC


    The purpose of this article is to show is how to transmit data to edit( create, update, delete) from a MVVM array to an ASP.NET MVC action in order for the action to bind to an IEnumerable/Array/List of objects. We will make also a javascript function that can be re-use across multiple MVVM frameworks to transmit data for multiple objects at once.

    As always, you can find source code at and you can view online at


    If you know already that, the last item on this rather long post is a homework. Download code and do it Winking smile




    1. If you want to know about ajax, please see the same example of how to save employee one by one
    2. The reference of sending an array of objects to MVC is . Please read it first since we will compose the Http request in ASP.NET MVC manner.
    3. If you do not know about MVVM and data binding in javascript, please follow most comprehensive tutorial that I know,


    We start with the Employee ( Id, Name and IdDepartment) and Department(Id, Name). We will make an interface to display and edit multiple employees. The user can choose to change the Name and pick a Department from a list of Departments (presented as a select / dropdown / combox) .Also, he can create new Employee or delete an existing Employee. Then the user can submit all changes at once. We will use for this MVVM from Knockout, but you can use any other MVVM framework.

    We will have 2 modes: edit and display. For edit, we have as actions add, delete ,modify and send all modifications(along with validation) . I would list what it is mandatory for every mode and action.

    For fast learners:
    Edit Mode –Modify existing data
    Edit Mode –add new employee
    Edit Mode –delete existing employee
    Edit Mode –send modifications and client validation



    As you see we need to display the Employee list with name and the Department name.

    If I do not want to create a NameDepartment property on Employee, but just use DepartmentId then the Model of the View should return the list of names of Departments.

    public class ListEmployeesViewModel
    public employeeList AllEmployees { get; set; }
    public departmentList DepartmentList{ get; private set; }

    This will be serialized as javascript array in the Home view:

    var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
    var arrDepartments = jss.Serialize(Model.DepartmentList);
    var arrEmployees = jss.Serialize(Model.AllEmployees);
    //This is in the script tag in javascript:
    //existing departments
    var arrDeps = @Html.Raw(arrDepartments) ;
    //existing employees
    var arrEmps = @Html.Raw(arrEmployees) ;

    So we have in arrDeps the departments and in arrEmps the existing employees.

    To display the list of employees we create a MVVM javascript model( we have here knockout style, but is similar with other javascript MVVM framework)

    First we create an employee in javascript ( explanations will follow) :

    //this is in javascript
    var emp = function(empId,name,deptId,active){
    var self = this; = i++; 
    self.IdEmployee = ko.observable(empId);
    self.NameEmployee = ko.observable(name);
    self.Active = ko.observable(active);
    self.iddepartament = ko.observable(deptId);
    self.editMode = ko.observable(false);
    self.displayMode= ko.observable(true);
    self.deptName= function(){
    var id=self.iddepartament();
    var name ="";
    if(value.IdDepartment == id){
    return false;
    return name;

    Explanation 1: the nr is the number of the employee . The user does not like ID, but wants to know how much employees are displayed.

    Explanation 2: I have add an editMode and displayMode to the employee – to know the mode in which the employee is. I can have one property instead of 2(because of complementarity) , but was easier for me.

    Explanation 3: In order to display DepartmentName it is enough to create a function on the employee to return the department name , iterating through the arrDeps – the code is

    self.deptName= function(){
    var id=self.iddepartament();
    var name ="";
    if(value.IdDepartment == id){
    return false;
    return name;

    Now we create the javascript model that holds all employees on the view:

    var jsModel = function() {
    var self = this;
    self.employees = ko.observableArray([]);

    And we make a function to add the existing employees to the array of employees:

    self.addEmp = function(empId,name,deptId,active) { 
    self.employees.push(new emp(empId,name,deptId,active)) 

    And we add to the javascript MVVM model the existing employees

    var model= new jsModel();
    model.addEmp(value.IdEmployee ,value.NameEmployee, value.iddepartament,value.Active);

    And display it on the template by just binding :


    that will repeat in

    <tbody data-bind=’foreach: employees’>



    <span data-bind=’text: nr’ > </span>



    <span data-bind=’text: NameEmployee,visible:displayMode’> </span>

    <!—code removed for clarity–>



    <span data-bind=’text: deptName(),visible:displayMode’> </span>

    <!—code removed for clarity–>



    <span data-bind=’text: Active,visible:displayMode’> </span>

    <!—code removed for clarity–>


    <td><!—code removed for clarity–>



    So this was the display mode. Pretty simple, huh ?

    Edit Mode –Modify existing data

    The Edit button calls the javascript model edit(true):

    self.edit = function(val){
    var arr =self.employees();
    $.each(arr ,function(index,value){

    So I put editMode to true and displayMode to false

    Now, back to the template:


    <span data-bind=’text: NameEmployee,visible:displayMode’> </span>

    <input data-bind=’value: NameEmployee,visible:editMode’ />


    You can see here visible attribute binded on displayModel and editMode –and how the span or the input are visible either way.


    Same for the checkbox and the select. Because of the MVVM (in this case, knockout) any changes on the data ( name, active, changing department) will be binded back to the array of employees in the javascript MVVM model

    Edit Mode –add new employee

    When you press add a new employee is generated – the number 3:


    It is easy – the Add button calls the same function addEmp that we use to push existing employees:

    function BeginAdd(){

    So a new employee is added to the array of employees – and the employees table is displaying the added employee . Do you like MVVM now ? 😉

    Edit Mode –delete existing employee

    The delete button have this code:

    <td><button data-bind="click: $root.removeEmp,visible:editMode">Delete</button></td>

    It is clear visible just when editMode is true. And the removeEmp removes the current employee from array, but having the id ( if not 0 – means new) put into a string that contains the ids of deletedEmployeesa:

     self.removeEmp = function(emp) { 
    var id=emp.IdEmployee(); 
    if(id != 0)
    self.deletedItemsId += id;

    And the employees table is removing the row for the employee . Do you like MVVM now ? 😉

    Edit Mode –send modifications and client validation

    On the server side, the parameters of the action that receives the data is simple:


    public JsonResult SaveEmployees(ListEmployeesViewModel e,string deletedItems)

    I will explain the 2 arguments. For the first, remember ListEmployeesViewModel from the beginning ? It contains the list of employees and we will post that:

    public class ListEmployeesViewModel
    public employeeList AllEmployees { get; set; }

    The second argument is the string that contains the id’s of deletedEmployees.

    Now to transmit those from javascript array of employees.

    Being a programmer, I like code-reuse. So why not create a function that iterates through an array( of employees), get all properties ( eliminating non-relevant, such as nr, editMode, displayModel and others) and compose the data in the MVC style( )

    First, we need reflection in javascript:

    //this is generic and can be put in a different .js file
    var refProps= function (obj, exclude , recognizeFunction) {
    var properties = [];
    for (var prop in obj) {
    //you can define an exclude function to exclude added properties
    var excludeProp = true;
    var t = (typeof obj[prop]).toLowerCase();
    if (t == 'number' || t == 'string' || t == 'boolean') {
    //special case :maybe it is a observable function 
    if(t == 'function' ){
    return properties;

    Fast explanation of parameters:

    1. obj is the object in javascript that I need all properties that are number, string, or boolean.
    2. I need to remove some properties(nr,editMode, displayMode) that are relevant in javascript – but not on the server side – so I have put an exclude function( you can put null)
      function exclude(prop){
      case "nr":
      return true;
      case "deptName":
      return true;
      case "editMode":
      return true;
      case "displayMode":
      return true;
      return false;
    3. Also, knockout make a special ko.observable function
      self.NameEmployee = ko.observable(name);

      – so I need to recognize those functions – and the function is(surprise!) ko.observable

    Now saving the array is again re-usable:

    function saveArray(itemsArray,/*you can not pass those*/prefix, excludeProp,recognizeFunction,validateProp){
    var l = itemsArray.length ;
    if(l == 0){
    return "";
    var propNames = refProps(itemsArray[0],excludeProp,recognizeFunction); // you can pass null on exclude to add all properties
    var nr = 0 ;
    var strData="";
    for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
    var objToSave= itemsArray[i]; 
    //you can pass here another function to recognize which object can be saved
    //if(!canBeSaved(objSave) continue;
    for (var j = 0; j < propNames.length; j++) {
    var nameProp = propNames[j];
    var val =objToSave[nameProp] ;
    var t = (typeof val).toLowerCase();
    if(t == 'function'){
    val = objToSave[nameProp]();
    if (validateProp) {
    if (!validateProp(nameProp,val, objToSave, i)) {
    return "";
    strData += "&"+ prefix+"[" + nr + "]." + nameProp;
    strData += "=" + val;
    return strData;

    The itemsArray parameter is the items array that you want to save ( in my case, the employees).

    The new function is validateProp – you can pass null – but this is an implementation that take into consideration that the employee should not have the name empty and the user must select something from the department list:

    function validateProperty(propName, value, item, number){
    case "NameEmployee":
    if(value == ""){
    window.alert("please enter employee name for row number " + (number+1) );
    return false;
    return true;
    case "iddepartament":
    if(value === undefined || value == 0){
    window.alert("please select a department for row number " + (number+1) );
    return false;
    return true;
    return true;

    After those 2 re-usable functions( saveArray and refProps ) the code for save is pretty simple:

    We obtain the values for employees using saveArray = function() { 
    var itemsArray = self.employees();
    var strData = saveArray(itemsArray,"AllEmployees",exclude, ko.observable,validateProperty);
    if(strData == "")
    //window.alert("no save");
    strData="deletedItems=" +self.deletedItemsId + strData;
    window.alert("saving:" + strData);

    and post to the server.

    url:'@Url.Content("~/Home/SaveEmployees")' ,
    data: strData ,
    //Just we must be attentive: if success , then the id of the new employees( those with id’s 0) must be replaced by the id’s of the id’s generated on server.
    //How I identify if multiple new employees? Well, it is easier to delete all employees with id’s 0 and add the id’s that are not already in the array:
    var dels=[];
    //delete the new items and add the new ones
    var idExisting=';';
    $.each(self.employees(), function(index,emp) {
    if(emp.IdEmployee() == 0 )
    idExisting += emp.IdEmployee()+";";
    $.each(dels,function(index,emp) {
    //add new one
    window.alert('add new ones');
    $.each(returndata.emps,function(index,emp) {
    var id=emp.IdEmployee;
    if(idExisting.indexOf(";" + id+";") == -1){// not found - means it is a new one
    self.addEmp(emp.IdEmployee ,emp.NameEmployee, emp.iddepartament,emp.Active);

    Also, for Antiforgery token I have used this code

     //added antiforgery token
                    var aft= $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]');
                        strData +="&__RequestVerificationToken=" + aft.val();

    Well, that was it !


    We have had an javascript array of employees to edit and send data at once . We have make the POST as for ASP.NET MVC rules. You can re-use the refProps javascript function( that gives you the name of the properties of an object – in our case, employee) and saveArray javascript function – that serialize an javascript array to a recognizable ASP.NET MVC idiom

    As always, you can find source code at and you can view online at


    Homework for you:

    ( fork on github  and send me the solution via github)

    1. Modify the nr ( the employee order number) such as , when deleting or adding a new employee, the numbers are in good order – not 1 and 3 like in the picture


    2. Add a hiredate to the employee . Ensure you transmit the date(Hint: Modify the refProps )

    Hintea Dan Alexandru made a simple application to show me that a simple json.stringify it is enough for MVC to do this magic.
    More , it shows directly in the MVVM model a toDTO that is simplier to use( however, the validation part remains to do)
    Source code at!

    Dependency injection choice

    For a personal pet project I have needed a DI framework . It relates to WebApi – I need to switch the provider for web api between a console and web – mostly authentication / logging different.

    Some years ago was only StructureMap – but now there are a lot.

    So I started to investigate to choose between the DI frameworks.

    What I have wanted:


    1. open license to use in a project – and source code too – to can upgrade.

    2. Updated to the last .NET framework ( so , for .NET 10.0 , I will not be left to upgrade myself the source code – I am lazy too)

    3. Speed

    4. Last but not least:  easy to use – have some simple example to start me with


    The first link found was:  – it helps about license . Recomends Autofac. I was not very sure about.

    Let’s see who have updated the source code to .NET 4.5 . I started looking at github and google code – and , yes, all are updating the source to the latest framework.

    For speed I consider relevant  – if you look down , latest update was(quoting):

    “17.11.2013: Added Grace. Updated several containers.”

    Recommends  Simple Injector . And from his page seems simple to use.

    So my choice is Simple Injector . If you use a DI, please say in the comments what DI and  why.

    SameId – skip

    In the previous post I have show how two users can see each other if they are editing the same product ( in my example , product id 5)

    But not in all cases the users should be notified about each other – like in , let’s say, view product Id 5.

    In this case we have an attribute to apply to the action [SameIdSkip]

    A video will show you :

    Same object edited by 2 users–proactively notifying users

    This is a practical example about how two users that comes on the same page will be notified one about other( after an idea of Adrian Petcu) . See the picture :


    With the NuGet package you can install in your application in this steps:

    To run :
    1. install package from Nuget
    2. in Filter.Config add following line:  filters.Add(new SameIdAlert.SameIdFilter());
    3. In Route.Config, after
    GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.Register(typeof(IAssemblyLocator) ,() => new SameIdAlert.SameIdAssemblyLocator());
    4. In the View that you want the user to be notified add the following lines in the @section scripts{
    <!–Script references. –>
    <!–The jQuery library is required and is referenced by default in _Layout.cshtml. –>
    <!–Reference the SignalR library. –>
    <script src=”~/Scripts/jquery.signalR-1.1.3.js”></script>  <!–or whatever signalr library version you have –>
    <!–Reference the autogenerated SignalR hub script. –>
    <script src=”~/signalr/hubs”></script>
    <!–SignalR script to update the chat page and send messages.–>

    and somewhere:


    5. In _Layout  move jquery declaration

    before RenderBody

    6. If you decide to put into _Layout and you want to skip an action, please put  [SameIdSkipAttribute] to the action

    7. If you want more action parameters than the default id , just put
    [SameIdAttribute(“parameter name 1″,”parameter name2”)
    to the action
    8. If you decide that you want just several actions then modify
    filters.Add(new SameIdAlert.SameIdFilter(false));
    and put
    View online at

    Source code at

    NuGet package at

    Video demo at

    If you want to help me, see the issues that can be solved here:

    Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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