Friday links 172
- Decoupling of Authorization in Microservices architecture – Damir Dobric Posts –
- Seven Habits of Highly Effective Jenkins Users (2014 edition!)
- NuGet Package Explorer – Home
- NLog LayoutRenderer for assembly version – CodeProject
- Time to First Byte, Why It is Important and How You Can Improve Your Time
- nikmd23/CourtesyFlush
- More HTTP Flushing in ASP.NET MVC | nik codes
- The Software Architect | Dave Donaldson
- NuBuild Project System extension
- Missing link found between brain, immune system; major disease implications — ScienceDaily
- reveal.js – The HTML Presentation Framework
- Front-End Manorisms – Tips, Tricks, and Tools
- SQL Server Monitoring with Powershell and the SQL Server Platform: Analysis and Reporting (Part 3 of 3)
- This is where body fat ends up when you lose weight – ScienceAlert
- SQL Server Compact/SQLite Toolbox extension
- EntityFramework Reverse POCO Code First Generator – Documentation
- EntityFramework Reverse POCO Generator extension
- » Top 10 Jenkins Must-Have Features/Plugins
- Next Time Someone Mocks Teachers For Making Less Money, Show Them This. | Idealist Revolution
- Ready To Launch A Startup? Try This Unpopular Piece Of Advice First | Fast Company | Business + Innovation