Friday links 169

  1. quozd/awesome-dotnet
  2. lukebuehler/CShell
  3. Google Fiber pushes automatic piracy fines to subscribers | ZDNet
  4. Mobile App Game and Web Testing and Development | Testdroid
  5. View Components in MVC 6 — aspnet 0.0.1 documentation
  6. 20 Things To Do When You’re 30 That Will Make Life Better At 50 | Idealist Revolution
  7. Serilog — simple .NET logging with fully-structured events
  8. Give Your REST APIs some Metadata Swagger! – Wintellect DevCenter
  9. ASP.NET SignalR: Old-fashioned Polling, Just Done Better
  10. ASP.NET MVC and the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)
  11. Building a Composite ASP.NET MVC Application with Pluggable Areas from External Projects and Assemblies | Long Le’s Blog