Friday links 226
- Top 15 Underutilized Features of .NET
- Top 15 Underutilized Features of .NET Part 2
- Louis Davidson : Getting the difference between two sets of like data
- App-vNext/Polly: Polly is a .NET 3.5 / 4.0 / 4.5 / PCL library that allows developers to express transient exception handling policies such as Retry, Retry Forever, Wait and Retry or Circuit Breaker in a fluent manner.
- dbelmont/ExpressionBuilder
- Youtube Downloader in One Easy Class – CodeProject
- Career Guide for the New Developer
- Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy says people judge you on 2 criteria – Business Insider
- StructureMap – Supported Lifecycles
- Jquery Ajax Request and MVC detailed « A Programmer with Microsoft tools
- Friendly, Readable Expression Trees
- 18F — Software maintenance is an anti-pattern
- Getting Started with Bower – Treehouse Blog
- NuGet Package of the Week: ASP.NET Web API Caching with CacheCow and CacheOutput – Scott Hanselman
- Less Than Dot – Blog – MVVM Validation with KnockoutJS – Don’t put it in the View/HTML
- WEIRD – RationalWiki
- C# 7 Feature Proposal: Local Functions – Bill Wagner
- Dubai is set to unveil spectacular floating apartments with underwater rooms
- Software has bugs. This is normal. — Signal v. Noise — Medium
- Visual Studio: How to create a solution template with multiple projects – Jayway
- Avoiding the Service Locator Pattern in ASP.NET Core
- Service Locator is an Anti-Pattern
- Service Locator violates SOLID
- Service Locator violates encapsulation
- Service Locator: roles vs. mechanics
- Suremaker/LightBDD: Lightweight Behavior Driven Development test framework
- John L. Miller’s answer to Google: How does Google provide so much online storage for Youtube videos? – Quora
- John L. Miller’s answer to What is the best way to read software documentation? – Quora