Category: friday links

Friday links 490


  2. trekhleb/javascript-algorithms: Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
  3. future-architect/cheetah-grid: The fastest open-source data table for web.
  4. Reverse Engineering – EF Core | Microsoft Docs
  5. Source generator updates: incremental generators: Exploring .NET 6 – Part 9
  6. runtime/LoggerMessageGenerator.Roslyn4.0.cs at v6.0.0-rc.2.21480.5 · dotnet/runtime
  7. roslyn/ at main · dotnet/roslyn
  8. Roslyn Quoter
  9. Database Providers – EF Core | Microsoft Docs
  10. 7.2.2 Scaffolding an Existing Database in EF Core
  11. Reverse Engineering – EF Core | Microsoft Docs
  12. Reverse Interviewing Your Future Manager and Team – The Pragmatic Engineer
  13. Don’t put data science notebooks into production
  14. What I wish I had known about single page applications – Stack Overflow Blog
  15. 15 Free Hosting Providers for Web Developers | by Niemvuilaptrinh | Dec, 2021 | Bits and Pieces
  16. Chrome Extension with Angular — from zero to a little hero
  17. (6) Andy Budd on Twitter: “A typical website visit in 2022 1. Figure out how to decline all but essential cookies 2. Close the support widget asking if I need help 3. Stop the auto-playing video 4. Close the “subscribe to our newsletter” pop-up 5. Try and remember why I came here in the first place” / Twitter
  18. Image Slider – Splide
  19. Automate Blockly –
  20. irbigdata/data-dockerfiles: a curated list of docker-compose files prepared for testing data engineering tools, databases and open source libraries.

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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