Category: adces

[ADCES] 14 iunie 2022, ora 19:30 – ASM + GM

Pe   14 iunie 2022, ora 19:30 ,  va fi un nou meetup ADCES despre

“OldSchool – Programare in ASM si Win3.11” & “De la programator la Group Manager”


Prezentare 1: OldSchool – Programare in ASM si Win3.11
Descriere; Pregatiti-va (sau amintiti-va ) de cum se facea programarea in Windows 3.11 in ASM
Prezentator: MIhai Florescu,
Prezentare 2: De la programator la Group Manager, trecind prin Scrum Master
Descriere: Evolutie ? / involutie ? / istoria unui parcurs neterminat
Prezentator: Alexandru Voicu,
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[ADCES]–WebAPI and Flutter

Tomorrow is another ADCES meetup  –

InteractingWithWebAPI & A day with Flutter shoes

Prezentare 1 : InteractingWithWebAPI , Andrei Ignat,

Descriere: Cum interactionam cu WebAPI astfel incit sa putem sa facem un demo pentru FrontEnd developer

Prezentare 2 : A day with Flutter shoes , Alex Bordei,

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[ADCES]: SnowFlake and Microservices

Azi , la 19:30, va astept la o noua editie ADCES

Presentation 1:
Title Our journey to a Cloud data warehouse in Snowflake

Once with exploding data volumes and increasing no. of users, traditional on-premise data warehouse Appliances are reaching their limits at some point and can’t be extended in processing power. When facing these limitations, our natural choice was to move to a Cloud data warehouse. We decided to Go with Snowflake, one of the trendiest technologies in Silicon Valley. Join me in this session to learn from our experience of moving progressively to Snowflake in order to offer a predictable performance and improved user experience for our business users. We’ll discuss about Snowflake core architecture and some of the coolest features, but also some current limitations. Looking forward to meeting you!

Bogdan Curca is a techno – functional IT professional with experience on ERP and Business Intelligence systems at Ubisoft Romania. During the last 13 years, he has been implementing data pipelines, data warehouse and reporting solutions, while having a strong focus to understanding the business needs and trying to deliver systems that are actually used as a decisional support. Three years ago he moved towards a management career path, but kept a strong focus on the technological ecosystem around data engineering.

Presentation 2:
Open Table about Microservices vs Monolyth

Evenimentul e aici:

[ADCES]Work flow core VS Elsa in a real life orchestration scenario & RSCG -examples

Presentation 1: Work flow core VS Elsa in a real life orchestration scenario
Presenter : Radu Iovescu ,
Description : TBD

Presentation 2: Roslyn Source Code Generators with examples
Presenter: Ignat Andrei,
Description: Roslyn Source Code Generators is a way to write programs that write programs at compile time Andrei will show you how to write one . Also, he will make demos about existing ones that maya help you write less code and be more efficient.


[ADCES] How to Fail Big at Being a Tech Lead & GPU programming using CUDA


Prezentare 1: How to Fail Big at Being a Tech Lead
Prezentatori: Bogdan Sucaciu ,
Mihaela-Roxana Ghidersa,
Although leadership skills have been analyzed for so long, there is something in the way we choose and raise our technical leads that defy all laws. We often think that the brightest and most creative person in the team will eventually become a technical lead, which actually happens in most cases. The exciting part, though, the process of becoming a technical lead starts when we actually take over the role. What seemed to be a gratification for excellent results can become a long list of failures if you don’t really, really prepare for the challenge. Luckily we can learn from each other’s mistakes, so join us to touch some hot spots in the technical leadership journey.

Prezentare 2 : GPU programming using CUDA
Prezentator: Ciprian Apetrei , Ubisoft ,
Descriere: In the last few years GPU programming usage has gone beyond just games but writing GPU algorithms is still regarded as a more esoteric pursuit because it requires knowledge about parallel algorithms. We will try to go through some simple code examples that illustrate the mentality difference between parallel and synchronous programming and explain some ways to optimize the code and avoid some pitfalls that affect performance.


.NET Conf ADCES – .NET 6 and VS2022


Speaker 1 : Daniel Costea , ,
Prezentare : .NET Minimal API

Speaker 2 : Catalin Gheorghiu,
Titlu: A Rush and a Push and the Land Is Ours
Descriere: Voi arata cum am migrat aplicatii Blazor, din productie, de la .Net 4 la 5 si acum la .Net 6. Si sa vedem ce a iesit . Prezentarea vrea sa va dea informatia practica, cum, care ar fi problemele, ce o sa ia timp, si de ce nu daca merita, azi si acum aceata migrare. Si vorbim de exepereinte din productie, din lumea reala. Povestea va incepe cu de ce am ales Blazor in primul rind, si de ce am considerat sa migram ASAP la .Net 6, si cit de greu, sau usor a fost acest drum.

Speaker 3: Andrei Ignat,
Titlu: All new and usefull in .NET 6
Descriere : VS2022, .NET features , WebAPI, EF , Roslyn Source Code Generators, OMG!
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[ADCES]Devops By Docker & Life after Java 8


Presentation 1 : Practical DevOps: One-Click Deployment using Docker
Presenter: Andrei Micuda,
Every developer wants to deploy and maintain the applications he develops with ease. Although this seems like a daunting task at first, you can achieve a one-click deployment pipeline by only using a few Docker containers. Join us if you want to find how to use Docker to automate your development workflow and build a fully customizable and easy-to-understand CI/CD pipeline from scratch.
Presentation 2: Life after Java 8
Presenter : Cosmin Popescu,

[ADCES] 12 oct, FluentAssertions.Web & Bigdata2Snowflake

Prezentare 1 : Test like a Pro .NET APIs with FluentAssertions.Web
Prezentator: Adrian Iftode,
Descriere: With more than 100 million downloads, it is less likely you’ve never heard of Fluent Assertions. But did you know you could write your own extensions? With Fluent Assertions Extensions, you could create an assertions language that fits your business domain, by reusing the same idioms as your production code and by wrapping the business rules into simple and reusable assertions. In this presentation, we will check FluentAssertions.Web, an extension that asserts the .NET HTTP API responses, why it was built, how it can be used, and then we will deep dive into its internals in order to learn how you can build your own extension

Prezentare 2 : Moving the bigdata (lake) to cloud: Our transition to Snowflake
Prezentatori :Ionuț Bobaru & Ion Anghel (Ubisoft)
Descriere: One year ago we reached an important milestone for our projects and we realized it was time to make a decision: continue with Teradata or switch to a newer technology? Join our meetup and discover how we migrated from Teradata to Snowflake. We will tackle topics such as: architecture, stored procedures, lambda functions, step functions, Snowflake external functions, exporting and importing data to AWS S3 and others. See you there!

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Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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