[ADCES] 12 oct, FluentAssertions.Web & Bigdata2Snowflake

Prezentare 1 : Test like a Pro .NET APIs with FluentAssertions.Web
Prezentator: Adrian Iftode, https://csharpin.blogspot.com/
Descriere: With more than 100 million downloads, it is less likely you’ve never heard of Fluent Assertions. But did you know you could write your own extensions? With Fluent Assertions Extensions, you could create an assertions language that fits your business domain, by reusing the same idioms as your production code and by wrapping the business rules into simple and reusable assertions. In this presentation, we will check FluentAssertions.Web, an extension that asserts the .NET HTTP API responses, why it was built, how it can be used, and then we will deep dive into its internals in order to learn how you can build your own extension

Prezentare 2 : Moving the bigdata (lake) to cloud: Our transition to Snowflake
Prezentatori :IonuČ› Bobaru & Ion Anghel (Ubisoft)
Descriere: One year ago we reached an important milestone for our projects and we realized it was time to make a decision: continue with Teradata or switch to a newer technology? Join our meetup and discover how we migrated from Teradata to Snowflake. We will tackle topics such as: architecture, stored procedures, lambda functions, step functions, Snowflake external functions, exporting and importing data to AWS S3 and others. See you there!

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