[ADCES] How to Fail Big at Being a Tech Lead & GPU programming using CUDA


Prezentare 1: How to Fail Big at Being a Tech Lead
Prezentatori: Bogdan Sucaciu , https://bsucaciu.com/
Mihaela-Roxana Ghidersa, https://www.linkedin.com/in/ghidersam/
Although leadership skills have been analyzed for so long, there is something in the way we choose and raise our technical leads that defy all laws. We often think that the brightest and most creative person in the team will eventually become a technical lead, which actually happens in most cases. The exciting part, though, the process of becoming a technical lead starts when we actually take over the role. What seemed to be a gratification for excellent results can become a long list of failures if you don’t really, really prepare for the challenge. Luckily we can learn from each other’s mistakes, so join us to touch some hot spots in the technical leadership journey.

Prezentare 2 : GPU programming using CUDA
Prezentator: Ciprian Apetrei , Ubisoft , https://www.linkedin.com/in/ciprian-apetrei-4472324b
Descriere: In the last few years GPU programming usage has gone beyond just games but writing GPU algorithms is still regarded as a more esoteric pursuit because it requires knowledge about parallel algorithms. We will try to go through some simple code examples that illustrate the mentality difference between parallel and synchronous programming and explain some ways to optimize the code and avoid some pitfalls that affect performance.

Link: https://www.meetup.com/Bucharest-A-D-C-E-S-Meetup/events/282674084/