AOPMethods–adding partial functions and enums

I was finishing the AOPMethods  – and what I have been thinking is – why not add partial functions ? I have added Console.Write, but … this seems more general… So , now , this is the Person class definition with the partial function definition

[AutoMethods(template = TemplateMethod.MethodWithPartial, MethodPrefix =”pub”, MethodSuffix =”bup”)]
partial class Person
     partial void Method_Start(string methodName)
         Console.WriteLine($”start {methodName}”);
     partial void Method_End(string methodName)
         Console.WriteLine($”end {methodName}”);

And, because I have finished the AOPMethods , I have been thinking about the problems with enums  – every time I parse the enum. What about a autogenerated function ? So now , with this definition:

[AutoEnum(template = EnumMethod.GenerateExtensionCode)]
     /// <summary>
     /// my test
     /// </summary>
     public enum Test:long
         //the b should be 1
         /// <summary>
         /// x should be 2
         /// </summary>


I can do this

long y = 7;
var s = y.ParseExactTest2();
var q=y.ToString().ParseExactTest2();
var s1 = s.ToString().ParseExactTest2();

For reference, the generated code with Roslyn AOPMethods is:

public static AOPMethodsTest.Test2 ParseExactTest2(this long value, AOPMethodsTest.Test2? defaultValue = null)
     if (0 == value)
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.a1;
     if (1 == value)
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.b1;
     if (5 == value)
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.x1;
     if (7 == value)
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.y1;

    if (defaultValue != null)
         return defaultValue.Value;

    throw new ArgumentException(“cannot find ” + value + ” for AOPMethodsTest.Test2  “);

public static AOPMethodsTest.Test2 ParseExactTest2(this string value, AOPMethodsTest.Test2? defaultValue = null)
     //trying to see if it is a value inside
     if (long.TryParse(value, out long valueParsed))
         return ParseExactTest2(valueParsed);

    if (0 == string.Compare(“a1”, value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.a1;
     if (0 == string.Compare(“b1”, value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.b1;
     if (0 == string.Compare(“x1”, value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.x1;
     if (0 == string.Compare(“y1”, value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return AOPMethodsTest.Test2.y1;

     if (defaultValue != null)
         return defaultValue.Value;

    throw new ArgumentException(“cannot find ” + value + ” for AOPMethodsTest.Test2  “);