AOP Methods–Problems in running and solving

The problems that I have encountered were:

1.  The ThisAssembly  RoslynGenerator that I use should not be put as reference in the nuget. I have fixed this by adding

<PackageReference Include=”ThisAssembly.AssemblyInfo” Version=”1.0.0″ ReferenceOutputAssembly=”false” />

2. I have problems generating code to async code with Task . The problem was that I have added logging ( very basic – Console.WriteLine) and the order of the logging was errating. I figured out that I should must use the async /await and then my template was modified as

strAwait = “”
strAsync =””
if mi.IsAsync == true
     strAwait = ” await “
     strAsync  = ” async “

public {{strAsync}} {{mi.ReturnType}} {{mi.NewName}} ({{mi.parametersDefinitionCSharp }} {{separator}} 

//more code

     if mi.ReturnsVoid == false
{{  strAwait }}

{{mi.Name}}({{ mi.parametersCallCSharp }});

And this is worth noting.