AutoActions for Skinny controllers–user customization
The generation of controllers actions is now very rude:
- Http Method: if the method has no arguments, I assume GET . Else it is POST
- How I can handle pure full REST API generation ?
- How I can handle level 3 REST API – ?
- How I can handle any other models, like
- What is generated in the Action Body is hard-coded. What if the user wants something special ?
- The answer from the Action is hardcoded to the answer that the method returns. What if we want something different ?
So some customization should be involved. I need
- a template engine – I choose , to make a change from Razor Pages
- a decision – choose a template for each action. This should / could be implemented by the programmer – as is the person who knows best how to do generate from his actions. However, this should be implemented .
So, first question : how the programmer specifies the decision ( and this decision could be different for each class / field instance) ? This is quite a problem. The programmer should make either a simple decision for their public functions ( like REST API ), either a complicated one – like for doing HttpGet[{id}] or Level 3 REST API ( read above). So , basic, the programmer should indicate a function that depends on
- Name of the public method
- Return Type
- Parameters of the function
and return different template. The template is taking as parameters the same things – and return how the Action will look like.
And now I have seen the light . The function and the template are taking the same arguments. And what is great in programming are pointers. So , the light version of pointers in this case is an enum . I will use an enum , put into , in order to indicate the template ,
The programmer will improve SkinnyControllersCommon with a new enum and a new template, put a PR , and voila! – new version of template for all programmers!
The implementation next time
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