Friday links 266

  1. Encryption and Decryption in ASP.NET Core
  2. Working with user secrets in ASP.​NET Core applications.
  3. Dive into Architecture with DeepEnds – CodeProject
  4. GitHub – daveaglick/Scripty: Tools to let you use Roslyn-powered C# scripts for code generation
  5. 7 tips for an effective logging strategy
  6. Creating a Smart Home Chat Bot – CodeProject
  7. Dive into Architecture with DeepEnds – CodeProject
  8. GitHub – zalando/tailor: A streaming layout service for front-end microservices
  9. Getting to the ASP.NET Core
  10. How to Actually Reduce Software Defects – DaedTech
  11. b5eceaaa-15af-44dd-8c06-0995ea2e8647-original.jpeg (1200×1897)
  12. Working with user secrets in ASP.​NET Core applications.
  13. GitHub – daveaglick/Scripty: Tools to let you use Roslyn-powered C# scripts for code generation
  14. 7 tips for an effective logging strategy
  15. Mock Objects In NodeJS Tests, With Jasmine Spies