Monitor SqlServer Stored Proc execution time
I have had the task to made something to monitor what stored procedure, in Sql Server,in most used. The problem that I have had is that the host_name is easily changed by putting, in the connection string WSID (see )
The code is for sql server 2005 and I have not realized without the help of
So there are the three easy steps to have the monitor proceudre in place:
1. Define an audit table :
CREATE TABLE [Audit]( [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ProcName] [varchar](128) [IdentifierAccess] [varchar](max) [DateAccess] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT (getdate()) ) ON [PRIMARY]
2. Stored proc to insert data :
alter proc dbo.proc_Log(@procname varchar(100)) as begin declare @userid varchar(100) BEGIN TRY select @userid=client_net_address from sys.[dm_exec_connections] with(nolock) where session_id = @@SPID End TRY BEGIN CATCH --GRANT SELECT ON sys.dm_exec_connections TO the user or --grant view server state to the user ! set @userid = SUSER_NAME() End CATCH INSERT INTO [Audit] ( [ProcName] ,[IdentifierAccess] ) VALUES (@procname, @userid ) end
3. In each stored procedure put this at beginning
DECLARE @ProcName nvarchar(128) SET @ProcName = OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID) exec proc_Log @ProcName
And this at the end of stored proc :
exec proc_Log @ProcName
4. See what the procedure calling are and the time (basic)
select a1.*,'--',a2.* , datediff(ss,a2.DateAccess,a1.DateAccess) from [Audit] a1 inner join [Audit] a2 on a2.ID = ( select max(ID) from [Audit] a2 where a1.ProcName= a2.ProcName and a1.IdentifierAcces=a2.IdentifierAcces and a1.ID > a2.ID ) order by 1
From there is a simple way to make a group by to have the sum * count or other relevant data ( which proceudres are most used in what times of the day, and so on)
Work from home :
1. From the previous select(put it into a Common table Expression ), see what procedure use most
a) number of uses
b) number of time
2. What is missing from Audit table definition ? (Hint :easy clustered index definition)