Db2Code- part 4- Architectural Changes for FrontEnd

Now comes the frontend . There are several options – Blazor, Angular, React , …. . The main problem is – how to generate JavaScript / TypeScript file where there is not .csproj available ? ( Yes, it is .esproj for javascript integration – however, you cannot add NuGet packages to it )

So the solution is to have another project that , once compiled, generates JS/ TS files . But  – why this should not be available for all other projects ? So , instead each project compile itself and then generate the .cs files, let’s have a project that compiles and generates files for all.  But this can be applied for each –so we have a generator for each type of classes from database ( table  model, context, search, controllers)

Now actual work is done by a powershell file that replaces templates in a .csproj, then runs dotnet ef scaffold for each template. This is the diagram of how it works for you

If you want to try it, download from

https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ignatandrei.databasetocode  and start a new project with DB2Code project

Db2Code-part 3- deploy

Now how to let other developers to modify the connection string from a template? Easy said than done  – create a template for this. This is easier to speak about than to do .  So any project can be transformed into template  – but what about a solution ?

Anyway – the starting point is https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/extensibility/getting-started-with-the-vsix-project-template?view=vs-2022 and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/template-parameters?view=vs-2022 

Now it is another challenges:

  1. How to put into the template all the files that a project has, WITHOUT putting also the bin ?
  2. How to generate the correct usings with the name that the programmer gives to the project ? e.g. $ext_safeprojectname$
  3. How to generate the zip template file ?

So , for all those questions , a powershell is the answer ( OK. could be also a C# – but it is easier to modify and execute)

The organization is the following:

For each project I will put a template folder in the https://github.com/ignatandrei/QueryViewer/tree/main/src/NET7/DB2GUI/DB2GUITemplate/ProjectTemplates . Also an entry will be added for https://github.com/ignatandrei/QueryViewer/blob/main/src/NET7/DB2GUI/DB2GUITemplate/GeneratorAll.vstemplate .After this the powershell https://github.com/ignatandrei/QueryViewer/blob/main/src/NET7/DB2GUI/DB2GUITemplate/createAll.ps1 will run and update the folder and create the zip with the extension.

The project can be found at https://github.com/ignatandrei/QueryViewer/tree/main/src/NET7/DB2GUI/DB2GUITemplate and the powershell I will put here:

function AddFiles{
cd GeneratorFromDBTemp
cd $folder
$xml = ( Get-Content “MyTemplate.vstemplate”)

#$node= $xml.VSTemplate.TemplateContent.Project
#$node= $xml.SelectSingleNode(“//Project”)

$node= $xml.VSTemplate.TemplateContent.Project
gci *.* -r -Exclude *.*sproj,*.vstemplate, __TemplateIcon.ico | % {
     $rel = Resolve-Path -Relative $_
     $rel = $rel.replace( “.\”,””)
     $newelement = $xml.CreateElement(“ProjectItem”)
     $newelement.SetAttribute(“ReplaceParameters”, “true”)
     # $newelement.SetAttribute(“TargetFileName”, $rel)
     $newelement.InnerText =$rel

$output = $xml.OuterXml -replace ‘xmlns=””‘, ”
$output | Out-File “MyTemplate.vstemplate”


$dt = $date = Get-Date # Get the current date and time
$v = $date.ToString(“yyyy.MM.dd.HHmmss”)

Write-Host ‘starting’
Remove-Item -Path .\a.zip -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path .\GeneratorFromDBTemp -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$FileLocation = “source.extension.vsixmanifest”
$xmlDoc =  Get-Content “source.extension.vsixmanifest”
Write-Host ‘reading vsixmanifest’
$xmlDoc | Format-List *

$node=$node.SetAttribute(“Version”, $v)

$xmlDoc.OuterXml | Out-File $FileLocation
# $xmlDoc.Save(source.extension.vsixmanifest1)
New-item –ItemType “directory” GeneratorFromDBTemp
Copy-Item -Path GeneratorFromDB\* -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\ -Force -Recurse
cd GeneratorFromDBTemp
$FileLocation = “GeneratorAll.vstemplate”
$xml = ( Get-Content $FileLocation)
Write-Host ‘reading template’
$xml | Format-List *
$node = $xml.VSTemplate.TemplateData
Write-Host ‘this is’ $node   
$node.Name  =  “DB2Code”
$node.Description = “GeneratorFromDB” + ” ” + $v + ” See  See https://github.com/ignatandrei/queryViewer/”
$xml.OuterXml | Out-File $FileLocation


cd ..
dotnet clean

Write-Host “copying files”
copy-item -Path ..\ExampleModels\*             -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\ExampleModels\                             -Force -Recurse
copy-item -Path ..\ExampleControllers\*     -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\ExampleControllers\                         -Force -Recurse
copy-item -Path ..\ExampleContext\*             -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\ExampleContext\                             -Force -Recurse
copy-item -Path ..\ExampleWebAPI\*             -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\ExampleWebAPI\                             -Force -Recurse
copy-item -Path ..\GeneratorPowershell\*     -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\GeneratorPowershell\                         -Force -Recurse
copy-item -Path ..\GeneratorFromDB\*         -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\GeneratorFromDB\                             -Force -Recurse
copy-item -Path ..\examplecrats\*             -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\examplecrats\     -Exclude node_modules        -Force -Recurse
copy-item -Path ..\GeneratorCRA\*             -Destination GeneratorFromDBTemp\GeneratorCRA\                                 -Force -Recurse

cd GeneratorFromDBTemp

Write-Host “delete remaining folders”
Get-ChildItem  -Directory -Recurse -Filter “bin” | Remove-Item -Recurse
Get-ChildItem  -Directory -Recurse -Filter “obj” | Remove-Item -Recurse
Get-ChildItem  -Directory -Recurse -Filter “node_modules” | Remove-Item -Recurse
Get-ChildItem  -Directory -Recurse -Filter “.vscode” | Remove-Item -Recurse
Get-ChildItem  -Directory -Recurse -Filter “.config” | Remove-Item -Recurse

Write-Host “modify .cs files”
gci *.cs -r | % {
     $content  = Get-Content $_.FullName
     $newContent = $content -replace ‘Example’,’$safeprojectname$’
     if ($content -ne $newContent) {
         Set-Content -Path  $_.FullName -Value $newContent
         # Write-Host ‘replacing ‘ $_.FullName

Write-Host “modify connection details”
gci connectionDetails.txt -r | % {
     $content  = Get-Content $_.FullName
     $newContent = $content
     $newContent = $newContent -replace ‘Example’,’$ext_safeprojectname$.’
     $newContent = $newContent -replace ‘GeneratorCRA’,’$ext_safeprojectname$.GeneratorCRA’
     if ($content -ne $newContent) {
         Set-Content -Path  $_.FullName -Value $newContent
         # Write-Host ‘replacing ‘ $_.FullName

Write-Host “modify create.ps1”
gci create.ps1 -r | % {
     $content  = Get-Content $_.FullName
     $newContent = $content
     $newContent = $newContent -replace ‘examplecrats’,’$ext_safeprojectname$.examplecrats’   
     if ($content -ne $newContent) {
         Set-Content -Path  $_.FullName -Value $newContent
         # Write-Host ‘replacing ‘ $_.FullName

Write-Host “modify .*sproj files”
gci *.*sproj -r | % {
     $content  = Get-Content $_.FullName
     $newContent = $content
     $newContent = $newContent -replace ‘Example’,’$ext_safeprojectname$.’
     $newContent = $newContent -replace ‘example’,’$ext_safeprojectname$.’
     $newContent = $newContent -replace “..\\GeneratorFromDB\\GeneratorFromDB.csproj”,’..\$ext_specifiedsolutionname$.GeneratorFromDB\$ext_specifiedsolutionname$.GeneratorFromDB.csproj’
     if ($content -ne $newContent) {
         Set-Content -Path  $_.FullName -Value $newContent
         # Write-Host ‘replacing ‘ $_.FullName


AddFiles “ExampleModels”
AddFiles “ExampleControllers”
AddFiles “ExampleContext”    
AddFiles “ExampleWebAPI”
AddFiles “GeneratorPowershell”
AddFiles “GeneratorFromDB”
AddFiles “examplecrats”
AddFiles “GeneratorCRA”

Compress-Archive -DestinationPath .\a -Path GeneratorFromDBTemp\*
Remove-Item .\GeneratorFromDB.zip
Remove-Item .\ProjectTemplates\GeneratorFromDB.zip
Copy-Item .\a.zip .\ProjectTemplates\GeneratorFromDB.zip
Move-Item .\a.zip .\GeneratorFromDB.zip

Db2Code–part 2- architecture

What we will build you can see here :

Each class will have it is own CodeTemplates\EFCore  templates from which will generate the code.

Let’s start with ExampleModels : Here will be the class definitions . From the table defintion , the DB2Code will generate

1. A definition of a interface with table columns as properties

public interface I_Department_Table 
 long IDDepartment { get; set; }
 string Name { get; set; }

2. A class with relationships

public partial class Department
    public long IDDepartment { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; } = null!;

    public virtual ICollection<Employee> Employee { get; } = new List<Employee>();

3. class without relationship

public class Department_Table : I_Department_Table
 public long IDDepartment { get; set; }
 public string Name { get; set; }

4. Explicit operator to convert 2 to 3

public static explicit operator Department_Table?(Department obj) { 
if(obj == null)
return null;
var ret= new Department_Table();
ret.CopyFrom(obj as I_Department_Table );
return ret;
public static explicit operator Department?(Department_Table obj) { 
if(obj == null)
return null;
var ret= new Department();
ret.CopyFrom(obj as I_Department_Table) ;
return ret;

5. Public method CopyFrom( interface)

public void CopyFrom(I_Department_Table other)  {
 this.IDDepartment = other.IDDepartment;
 this.Name = other.Name;

5. Enum with name of the columns

public enum eDepartmentColumns {
None = 0

6. Metadata with name of the tables and the columns

public static MetaTable metaData = new("Department");
static Department_Table (){
 MetaColumn mc=null;
 mc=new ("IDDepartment","long",false);
 mc=new ("Name","string",false);


Now it comes ExampleContext . Here will the database context and various search definitions that you need (e.g. for a column of type int, search will generate  = , > , < , between , in array  ) . More , it will generate metadata for the tables that are part of the context.

public  IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department&gt; DepartmentSimpleSearch(GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria sc, eDepartmentColumns colToSearch, string value){}
public  IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department&gt; DepartmentGetAll(){}
public async Task&lt;Department[]&gt; DepartmentFind_Array( SearchDepartment? search){}
public Task&lt;long&gt; DepartmentCount( SearchDepartment search)


Now it comes ExampleControllers  . This will generate controllers for REST API for the table and also Search Controllers for any kind of search that you may want.

//this is the REST controller
public partial class RESTDepartmentController : Controller
    private ApplicationDBContext _context;
    public RESTDepartmentController(ApplicationDBContext context)
    public async Task&lt;Department_Table[]&gt; Get(){
        var data= await _context.Department.ToArrayAsync();
        var ret = data.Select(it =&gt; (Department_Table)it!).ToArray();
        return ret;

    public async Task&lt;ActionResult&lt;Department_Table&gt;&gt; GetDepartment(long id)
        if (_context.Department == null)
            return NotFound();
        var item = await _context.Department.FirstOrDefaultAsync(e =&gt; e.IDDepartment==id);

        if (item == null)
            return NotFound();

        return (Department_Table)item!;

        public async Task&lt;IActionResult&gt; PutDepartment(long id, Department value)
            if (id != value.IDDepartment)
                return BadRequest();

            _context.Entry(value).State = EntityState.Modified;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!DepartmentExists(id))
                    return NotFound();

            return NoContent();

        public async Task&lt;ActionResult&lt;Department&gt;&gt; PostDepartment(Department_Table value)
            var val = new Department();
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return CreatedAtAction("GetDepartment", new { id = val.IDDepartment }, val);
        public async Task&lt;IActionResult&gt; DeleteDepartment(long id)
            if (_context.Department == null)
                return NotFound();
            var item = await _context.Department.FirstOrDefaultAsync(e =&gt; e.IDDepartment==id);
            if (item == null)
                return NotFound();

            _context.Department .Remove(item);
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return NoContent();

        private bool DepartmentExists(long id)
            return (_context.Department.Any(e =&gt; e.IDDepartment  == id));


And also a SEARCH controller

public partial class AdvancedSearchDepartmentController : Controller
    private ISearchDataDepartment _search;
    public AdvancedSearchDepartmentController(ISearchDataDepartment search)

    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; GetAll()
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentFind_AsyncEnumerable(null))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; GetWithSearch(SearchDepartment s)
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentFind_AsyncEnumerable(s))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;

//has one key
    public async Task&lt;Department_Table?&gt; GetSingle(long id){
        var data=await _search.DepartmentGetSingle(id);
       if(data == null)
        return null;
       return (Department_Table)data;

    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; EqualValues_IDDepartment( long[]  values)
        string? value=null;
            value=string.Join( ",",values);
        var sc=SearchDepartment.FromSearch(GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.InArray,eDepartmentColumns.IDDepartment,value);
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentFind_AsyncEnumerable(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; DifferentValues_IDDepartment( long[]  values)
        string? value=null;
            value=string.Join( ",",values);
        var sc=SearchDepartment.FromSearch(GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.NotInArray,eDepartmentColumns.IDDepartment,value);
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentFind_AsyncEnumerable(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; EqualValue_IDDepartment( long  value)
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Equal;
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearch_IDDepartment(sc, value))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; DifferentValue_IDDepartment( long  value)
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Different;
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearch_IDDepartment(sc, value))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public  async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; SimpleSearch_IDDepartment(GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria sc,  long value){
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearch_IDDepartment(sc,value))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; FindNull_IDDepartment(){
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Equal;
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearchNull_IDDepartment(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; FindNotNull_IDDepartment(){
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Different;
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearchNull_IDDepartment(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; EqualValues_Name( string[]  values)
        string? value=null;
            value=string.Join( ",",values);
        var sc=SearchDepartment.FromSearch(GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.InArray,eDepartmentColumns.Name,value);
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentFind_AsyncEnumerable(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; DifferentValues_Name( string[]  values)
        string? value=null;
            value=string.Join( ",",values);
        var sc=SearchDepartment.FromSearch(GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.NotInArray,eDepartmentColumns.Name,value);
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentFind_AsyncEnumerable(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; EqualValue_Name( string  value)
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Equal;
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearch_Name(sc, value))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; DifferentValue_Name( string  value)
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Different;
        await foreach (var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearch_Name(sc, value))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public  async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; SimpleSearch_Name(GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria sc,  string value){
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearch_Name(sc,value))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; FindNull_Name(){
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Equal;
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearchNull_Name(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;
    public async IAsyncEnumerable&lt;Department_Table&gt; FindNotNull_Name(){
        var sc = GeneratorFromDB.SearchCriteria.Different;
        await foreach(var item in _search.DepartmentSimpleSearchNull_Name(sc))
            yield return (Department_Table)item!;


}//end class


Finally , ExampleWebAPI . This will add the controllers from the ExampleControllers   to show the use .

var assControllers = typeof(UtilsControllers).Assembly;
              .PartManager.ApplicationParts.Add(new AssemblyPart(assControllers)); ;


Of course , the name Example will be replaced , from the template, with the name of your project

[ADCES] Building a Design System: First steps & Stable Diffusion in Azure

Presentation 1: Building a Design System: First steps
Description: Răzvan va detalia cum să începeți un Design System cu ajutorul căruia să construiți UI-uri omogene pe platforme multiple. Prezentarea este o continuare a articolului: https://uxdesign.cc/design-systems-4baa50172c5d
Speaker: Răzvan Roșu is a passionate Frontend Developer working in his field for over a decade. His mission is seeking the perfect user interface, while sharing his knowledge on the way.

Presentation 2: Stable Diffusion in Azure
Description: We’ll be talking about Stable Diffusion, a recently released open-source generative model able to generate high-fidelity images based on text descriptions, and how we can run and extend it with ease using Azure GPU Compute Instances
Speaker: Vlad Iliescu, https://vladiliescu.net/

Va astept la https://meet.google.com/sht-jeqt-sgs la 19:30 !

Db2Code–part 1–idea

From the second year that I have started programming, I find tedious to replicate the tables structure to code and to generate classes and SQL . I started asking questions  – and no one has ever envisaged near me an ORM ( it was not a definition then ). I have made my own ORM  – and it was paying . However, I did not know how to market  – so oblivion was his fate.

Moving to this year , there are many ORM . One of those is EFCore – that has also a revers engineer /  scaffolding ready : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/managing-schemas/scaffolding/ . But how generate all classes , controllers and others ? I was into https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/roslyn-sdk/source-generators-overview – but this does not allow programmers to modify what it generates. But , fortunately, this year EFCore7 has templates, based on t4 templates : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/managing-schemas/scaffolding/templates?tabs=dotnet-core-cli . That means that now we could generate whatever we need!

So this is the project : A DB2Code Visual Studio Template. You can download from https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ignatandrei.databasetocode  . Also, the source code is at https://github.com/ignatandrei/queryViewer/ . Download, modify the connectionDetails.txt and it will generate from you everything to WebAPI from SqlServer or Sqlite ( more providers soon). Also, it generates  different projects ( models, context, controllers) – and you can also modify the templates. It works ( for the moment) just with tables with 0 or 1 PK.

The next parts will be only about the challenges to develop such a solution.

SRE with .NET

I have found https://oschvr.com/posts/what-id-like-as-sre/  and I trying to answer from the .NET Core application .

How can I check the health of the service ?

Simple : Use https://github.com/Xabaril/AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks

How can I safely and gracefully restart the service

Simple : Use https://www.nuget.org/packages/NetCoreUsefullEndpoints#readme-body-tab

How and why would the service fail ?

Partial answer : same with the health : See sql server at https://tiltwebapp.azurewebsites.net/healthchecks-ui

Do you use appropriate logging levels depending on the environments ?

Answer: Use logging frameworks such as https://www.nuget.org/packages/NLog/ with config file –to let SRE modify levels logged at runtime

What kind of metrics are you exposing

Simple : use grafana, prometheus, azure instrumentation. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/asp-net-core?tabs=netcorenew%2Cnetcore6

Is there any documentation/design specification for the service ?

Partial answer: Use OpenAPI  / swagger https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/improve-api-developer-experience-with-swagger/ . For advanced uses  see https://www.nuget.org/packages/NetCore2Blockly/

How does the data flow through the service ?

Not having (yet ) an answer

What is the testing coverage ?

Simple : Use XUnit, NUnit, MsTest with Coverlet with ReportGenerator . For advanced uses see https://github.com/LightBDD/LightBDD and SpecFlow

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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