RSCG – FunicularSwitch

RSCG – FunicularSwitch

name FunicularSwitch
author bluehands

Generating discriminated unions for C# 9.0 and above.


This is how you can use FunicularSwitch .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">



	  <PackageReference Include="FunicularSwitch" Version="5.0.1" />
	  <PackageReference Include="FunicularSwitch.Generators" Version="3.2.0">
	    <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

The code that you will use is

using Union;

Console.WriteLine("Save or not");
var data = SaveToDatabase.Save(0);

    ok => true,
    error => false));
data = SaveToDatabase.Save(1);
Console.WriteLine(data.Match(ok => true, error => false));

namespace Union;

[FunicularSwitch.Generators.ResultType(ErrorType = typeof(ErrorDetails))]
public abstract partial class ResultSave<T> { };

public class ErrorDetails

    //public abstract partial class ResultSave { };

    //public sealed partial record Success(int Value): ResultSave;
    //public sealed partial record ValidationError(string Message):ResultSave;

    ////public sealed partial record Ok(T Value) : ResultSave<T>;

    ////public sealed partial record Error(Exception Exception) : ResultSave<T>;

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Union;
internal class SaveToDatabase
    public static ResultSave<int> Save(int i)
        if (i == 0)
            return new ResultSave<int>.Error_(new ErrorDetails());
        return new ResultSave<int>.Ok_(i);


The code that is generated is

using System;

// ReSharper disable once CheckNamespace
namespace FunicularSwitch.Generators
    sealed class ExtendedEnumAttribute : Attribute
	    public EnumCaseOrder CaseOrder { get; set; } = EnumCaseOrder.AsDeclared;
	    public ExtensionAccessibility Accessibility { get; set; } = ExtensionAccessibility.Public;
    enum EnumCaseOrder

    /// <summary>
    /// Generate match methods for all enums defined in assembly that contains AssemblySpecifier.
    /// </summary>
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
    class ExtendEnumsAttribute : Attribute
	    public Type AssemblySpecifier { get; }
	    public EnumCaseOrder CaseOrder { get; set; } = EnumCaseOrder.AsDeclared;
	    public ExtensionAccessibility Accessibility { get; set; } = ExtensionAccessibility.Public;

	    public ExtendEnumsAttribute() => AssemblySpecifier = typeof(ExtendEnumsAttribute);

	    public ExtendEnumsAttribute(Type assemblySpecifier)
		    AssemblySpecifier = assemblySpecifier;

    /// <summary>
    /// Generate match methods for Type. Must be enum.
    /// </summary>
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
    class ExtendEnumAttribute : Attribute
	    public Type Type { get; }

	    public EnumCaseOrder CaseOrder { get; set; } = EnumCaseOrder.AsDeclared;

	    public ExtensionAccessibility Accessibility { get; set; } = ExtensionAccessibility.Public;

	    public ExtendEnumAttribute(Type type)
		    Type = type;

    enum ExtensionAccessibility
using System;

// ReSharper disable once CheckNamespace
namespace FunicularSwitch.Generators
	/// <summary>
	/// Mark an abstract partial type with a single generic argument with the ResultType attribute.
	/// This type from now on has Ok | Error semantics with map and bind operations.
	/// </summary>
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = false)]
    sealed class ResultTypeAttribute : Attribute
        public ResultTypeAttribute() => ErrorType = typeof(string);
        public ResultTypeAttribute(Type errorType) => ErrorType = errorType;

        public Type ErrorType { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Mark a static method or a member method or you error type with the MergeErrorAttribute attribute.
    /// Static signature: TError -> TError -> TError. Member signature: TError -> TError
    /// We are now able to collect errors and methods like Validate, Aggregate, FirstOk that are useful to combine results are generated.
    /// </summary>
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = false)]
    sealed class MergeErrorAttribute : Attribute

    /// <summary>
    /// Mark a static method with the ExceptionToError attribute.
    /// Signature: Exception -> TError
    /// This method is always called, when an exception happens in a bind operation.
    /// So a call like result.Map(i => i/0) will return an Error produced by the factory method instead of throwing the DivisionByZero exception.
    /// </summary>
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = false)]
    sealed class ExceptionToError : Attribute
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FunicularSwitch;

namespace Union
#pragma warning disable 1591
    public abstract partial class ResultSave
        public static ResultSave<T> Error<T>(ErrorDetails details) => new ResultSave<T>.Error_(details);
        public static ResultSave<T> Ok<T>(T value) => new ResultSave<T>.Ok_(value);
        public bool IsError => GetType().GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ResultSave<>.Error_);
        public bool IsOk => !IsError;
        public abstract ErrorDetails? GetErrorOrDefault();

        public static ResultSave<T> Try<T>(Func<T> action, Func<Exception, ErrorDetails> formatError)
                return action();
            catch (Exception e)
                return Error<T>(formatError(e));

        public static async Task<ResultSave<T>> Try<T>(Func<Task<T>> action, Func<Exception, ErrorDetails> formatError)
                return await action();
            catch (Exception e)
                return Error<T>(formatError(e));

    public abstract partial class ResultSave<T> : ResultSave, IEnumerable<T>
        public static ResultSave<T> Error(ErrorDetails message) => Error<T>(message);
        public static ResultSave<T> Ok(T value) => Ok<T>(value);

        public static implicit operator ResultSave<T>(T value) => ResultSave.Ok(value);

        public static bool operator true(ResultSave<T> result) => result.IsOk;
        public static bool operator false(ResultSave<T> result) => result.IsError;

        public static bool operator !(ResultSave<T> result) => result.IsError;

        //just here to suppress warning, never called because all subtypes (Ok_, Error_) implement Equals and GetHashCode
        bool Equals(ResultSave<T> other) => this switch
            Ok_ ok => ok.Equals((object)other),
            Error_ error => error.Equals((object)other),
            _ => throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected type derived from {nameof(ResultSave<T>)}")

        public override int GetHashCode() => this switch
            Ok_ ok => ok.GetHashCode(),
            Error_ error => error.GetHashCode(),
            _ => throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected type derived from {nameof(ResultSave<T>)}")

        public override bool Equals(object? obj)
            if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
            if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
            if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false;
            return Equals((ResultSave<T>)obj);

        public static bool operator ==(ResultSave<T>? left, ResultSave<T>? right) => Equals(left, right);

        public static bool operator !=(ResultSave<T>? left, ResultSave<T>? right) => !Equals(left, right);

        public void Match(Action<T> ok, Action<ErrorDetails>? error = null) => Match(
            v =>
                return 42;
            err =>
                return 42;

        public T1 Match<T1>(Func<T, T1> ok, Func<ErrorDetails, T1> error)
            return this switch
                Ok_ okResultSave => ok(okResultSave.Value),
                Error_ errorResultSave => error(errorResultSave.Details),
                _ => throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected derived result type: {GetType()}")

        public async Task<T1> Match<T1>(Func<T, Task<T1>> ok, Func<ErrorDetails, Task<T1>> error)
            return this switch
                Ok_ okResultSave => await ok(okResultSave.Value).ConfigureAwait(false),
                Error_ errorResultSave => await error(errorResultSave.Details).ConfigureAwait(false),
                _ => throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected derived result type: {GetType()}")

        public Task<T1> Match<T1>(Func<T, Task<T1>> ok, Func<ErrorDetails, T1> error) =>
            Match(ok, e => Task.FromResult(error(e)));

        public async Task Match(Func<T, Task> ok)
            if (this is Ok_ okResultSave) await ok(okResultSave.Value).ConfigureAwait(false);

        public T Match(Func<ErrorDetails, T> error) => Match(v => v, error);

        public ResultSave<T1> Bind<T1>(Func<T, ResultSave<T1>> bind)
            switch (this)
                case Ok_ ok:
		                return bind(ok.Value);
	                // ReSharper disable once RedundantCatchClause
#pragma warning disable CS0168 // Variable is declared but never used
	                catch (Exception e)
#pragma warning restore CS0168 // Variable is declared but never used
		                throw; //createGenericErrorResult
                case Error_ error:
                    return error.Convert<T1>();
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected derived result type: {GetType()}");

        public async Task<ResultSave<T1>> Bind<T1>(Func<T, Task<ResultSave<T1>>> bind)
            switch (this)
                case Ok_ ok:
		                return await bind(ok.Value).ConfigureAwait(false);
	                // ReSharper disable once RedundantCatchClause
#pragma warning disable CS0168 // Variable is declared but never used
	                catch (Exception e)
#pragma warning restore CS0168 // Variable is declared but never used
		                throw; //createGenericErrorResult
                case Error_ error:
                    return error.Convert<T1>();
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected derived result type: {GetType()}");

        public ResultSave<T1> Map<T1>(Func<T, T1> map)
            => Bind(value => Ok(map(value)));

        public Task<ResultSave<T1>> Map<T1>(Func<T, Task<T1>> map)
            => Bind(async value => Ok(await map(value).ConfigureAwait(false)));

        public T? GetValueOrDefault()
	        => Match(
		        v => (T?)v,
		        _ => default

        public T GetValueOrDefault(Func<T> defaultValue)
	        => Match(
		        v => v,
		        _ => defaultValue()

        public T GetValueOrDefault(T defaultValue)
	        => Match(
		        v => v,
		        _ => defaultValue

        public T GetValueOrThrow()
            => Match(
                v => v,
                details => throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot access error result value. Error: {details}"));

        public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() => Match(ok => new[] { ok }, _ => Enumerable.Empty<T>()).GetEnumerator();

        public override string ToString() => Match(ok => $"Ok {ok?.ToString()}", error => $"Error {error}");
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();

        public sealed partial class Ok_ : ResultSave<T>
            public T Value { get; }

            public Ok_(T value) => Value = value;

            public override ErrorDetails? GetErrorOrDefault() => null;

            public bool Equals(Ok_? other)
                if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
                if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;
                return EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(Value, other.Value);

            public override bool Equals(object? obj)
                if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
                if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
                return obj is Ok_ other && Equals(other);

            public override int GetHashCode() => Value == null ? 0 : EqualityComparer<T>.Default.GetHashCode(Value);

            public static bool operator ==(Ok_ left, Ok_ right) => Equals(left, right);

            public static bool operator !=(Ok_ left, Ok_ right) => !Equals(left, right);

        public sealed partial class Error_ : ResultSave<T>
            public ErrorDetails Details { get; }

            public Error_(ErrorDetails details) => Details = details;

            public ResultSave<T1>.Error_ Convert<T1>() => new ResultSave<T1>.Error_(Details);

            public override ErrorDetails? GetErrorOrDefault() => Details;

            public bool Equals(Error_? other)
                if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
                if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;
                return Equals(Details, other.Details);

            public override bool Equals(object? obj)
                if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
                if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
                return obj is Error_ other && Equals(other);

            public override int GetHashCode() => Details.GetHashCode();

            public static bool operator ==(Error_ left, Error_ right) => Equals(left, right);

            public static bool operator !=(Error_ left, Error_ right) => !Equals(left, right);


    public static partial class ResultSaveExtension
        #region bind

        public static async Task<ResultSave<T1>> Bind<T, T1>(
            this Task<ResultSave<T>> result,
            Func<T, ResultSave<T1>> bind)
            => (await result.ConfigureAwait(false)).Bind(bind);

        public static async Task<ResultSave<T1>> Bind<T, T1>(
            this Task<ResultSave<T>> result,
            Func<T, Task<ResultSave<T1>>> bind)
            => await (await result.ConfigureAwait(false)).Bind(bind).ConfigureAwait(false);


        #region map

        public static async Task<ResultSave<T1>> Map<T, T1>(
            this Task<ResultSave<T>> result,
            Func<T, T1> map)
            => (await result.ConfigureAwait(false)).Map(map);

        public static Task<ResultSave<T1>> Map<T, T1>(
            this Task<ResultSave<T>> result,
            Func<T, Task<T1>> bind)
            => Bind(result, async v => ResultSave.Ok(await bind(v).ConfigureAwait(false)));

        public static ResultSave<T> MapError<T>(this ResultSave<T> result, Func<ErrorDetails, ErrorDetails> mapError) =>
            result.Match(ok => ok, error => ResultSave.Error<T>(mapError(error)));


        #region match

        public static async Task<T1> Match<T, T1>(
            this Task<ResultSave<T>> result,
            Func<T, Task<T1>> ok,
            Func<ErrorDetails, Task<T1>> error)
            => await (await result.ConfigureAwait(false)).Match(ok, error).ConfigureAwait(false);

        public static async Task<T1> Match<T, T1>(
            this Task<ResultSave<T>> result,
            Func<T, Task<T1>> ok,
            Func<ErrorDetails, T1> error)
            => await (await result.ConfigureAwait(false)).Match(ok, error).ConfigureAwait(false);

        public static async Task<T1> Match<T, T1>(
            this Task<ResultSave<T>> result,
            Func<T, T1> ok,
            Func<ErrorDetails, T1> error)
            => (await result.ConfigureAwait(false)).Match(ok, error);


        public static ResultSave<T> Flatten<T>(this ResultSave<ResultSave<T>> result) => result.Bind(r => r);

        public static ResultSave<T1> As<T, T1>(this ResultSave<T> result, Func<ErrorDetails> errorTIsNotT1) =>
            result.Bind(r =>
                if (r is T1 converted)
                    return converted;
                return ResultSave.Error<T1>(errorTIsNotT1());

        public static ResultSave<T1> As<T1>(this ResultSave<object> result, Func<ErrorDetails> errorIsNotT1) =>
            result.As<object, T1>(errorIsNotT1);
        #region query-expression pattern
        public static ResultSave<T1> Select<T, T1>(this ResultSave<T> result, Func<T, T1> selector) => result.Map(selector);
        public static Task<ResultSave<T1>> Select<T, T1>(this Task<ResultSave<T>> result, Func<T, T1> selector) => result.Map(selector);
        public static ResultSave<T2> SelectMany<T, T1, T2>(this ResultSave<T> result, Func<T, ResultSave<T1>> selector, Func<T, T1, T2> resultSelector) => result.Bind(t => selector(t).Map(t1 => resultSelector(t, t1)));
        public static Task<ResultSave<T2>> SelectMany<T, T1, T2>(this Task<ResultSave<T>> result, Func<T, Task<ResultSave<T1>>> selector, Func<T, T1, T2> resultSelector) => result.Bind(t => selector(t).Map(t1 => resultSelector(t, t1)));
        public static Task<ResultSave<T2>> SelectMany<T, T1, T2>(this Task<ResultSave<T>> result, Func<T, ResultSave<T1>> selector, Func<T, T1, T2> resultSelector) => result.Bind(t => selector(t).Map(t1 => resultSelector(t, t1)));
        public static Task<ResultSave<T2>> SelectMany<T, T1, T2>(this ResultSave<T> result, Func<T, Task<ResultSave<T1>>> selector, Func<T, T1, T2> resultSelector) => result.Bind(t => selector(t).Map(t1 => resultSelector(t, t1)));


namespace Union.Extensions
    public static partial class ResultSaveExtension
        public static IEnumerable<T1> Choose<T, T1>(
            this IEnumerable<T> items,
            Func<T, ResultSave<T1>> choose,
            Action<ErrorDetails> onError)
            => items
                .Select(i => choose(i))

        public static IEnumerable<T> Choose<T>(
            this IEnumerable<ResultSave<T>> results,
            Action<ErrorDetails> onError)
            => results
                .Where(r =>
                    r.Match(_ => true, error =>
                        return false;
                .Select(r => r.GetValueOrThrow());

        public static ResultSave<T> As<T>(this object item, Func<ErrorDetails> error) =>
            !(item is T t) ? ResultSave.Error<T>(error()) : t;

        public static ResultSave<T> NotNull<T>(this T? item, Func<ErrorDetails> error) =>
            item ?? ResultSave.Error<T>(error());

        public static ResultSave<string> NotNullOrEmpty(this string? s, Func<ErrorDetails> error)
            => string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) ? ResultSave.Error<string>(error()) : s!;

        public static ResultSave<string> NotNullOrWhiteSpace(this string? s, Func<ErrorDetails> error)
            => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) ? ResultSave.Error<string>(error()) : s!;

        public static ResultSave<T> First<T>(this IEnumerable<T> candidates, Func<T, bool> predicate, Func<ErrorDetails> noMatch) =>
                .FirstOrDefault(i => predicate(i))
#pragma warning restore 1591

using System;

// ReSharper disable once CheckNamespace
namespace FunicularSwitch.Generators
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Interface, Inherited = false)]
    sealed class UnionTypeAttribute : Attribute
        public CaseOrder CaseOrder { get; set; } = CaseOrder.Alphabetic;
        public bool StaticFactoryMethods { get; set; } = true;

    enum CaseOrder

    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = false)]
    sealed class UnionCaseAttribute : Attribute
        public UnionCaseAttribute(int index) => Index = index;

        public int Index { get; }

Code and pdf at

RSCG – CommandLine

RSCG – CommandLine

name CommandLine
author DotMake

Generating easy command line applications.


This is how you can use CommandLine .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="DotMake.CommandLine" Version="1.8.0" />

The code that you will use is

// See for more information
using DotMake.CommandLine;

Cli.Run(([CliArgument] string PersonName, int  Age) =>
    Console.WriteLine($@"Value for {nameof(PersonName)} parameter is '{PersonName}'");
    Console.WriteLine($@"Value for {nameof(Age)} parameter is '{Age}'");

Cli.Run(([CliArgument] int idData) =>
    Console.WriteLine($@"Value for {nameof(idData)} parameter is '{idData}'");


The code that is generated is

// <auto-generated />
// Generated by DotMake.CommandLine.SourceGeneration v1.8.0.0
// Roslyn (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis) v4.800.23.57201
// Generation: 1

namespace GeneratedCode
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public class CliCommandAsDelegate_1ra93x8 : DotMake.CommandLine.CliCommandAsDelegateDefinition
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public int idData { get; set; }

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void Run()
                new object[]

        internal static void Initialize()
            // Register this definition class so that it can be found by the command as delegate hash.

// <auto-generated />
// Generated by DotMake.CommandLine.SourceGeneration v1.8.0.0
// Roslyn (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis) v4.800.23.57201
// Generation: 1

namespace GeneratedCode
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public class CliCommandAsDelegate_1ra93x8Builder : DotMake.CommandLine.CliCommandBuilder
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public CliCommandAsDelegate_1ra93x8Builder()
            DefinitionType = typeof(GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_1ra93x8);
            ParentDefinitionType = null;
            NameCasingConvention = DotMake.CommandLine.CliNameCasingConvention.KebabCase;
            NamePrefixConvention = DotMake.CommandLine.CliNamePrefixConvention.DoubleHyphen;
            ShortFormPrefixConvention = DotMake.CommandLine.CliNamePrefixConvention.SingleHyphen;
            ShortFormAutoGenerate = true;

        private GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_1ra93x8 CreateInstance()
            return new GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_1ra93x8();

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override System.CommandLine.CliCommand Build()
            // Command for 'CliCommandAsDelegate_1ra93x8' class
            var rootCommand = new System.CommandLine.CliRootCommand()

            var defaultClass = CreateInstance();

            // Argument for 'idData' property
            var argument0 = new System.CommandLine.CliArgument<int>
            argument0.CustomParser = GetParseArgument<int>
            argument0.DefaultValueFactory = _ => defaultClass.idData;

            // Add nested or external registered children
            foreach (var child in Children)

            BindFunc = (parseResult) =>
                var targetClass = CreateInstance();

                //  Set the parsed or default values for the options

                //  Set the parsed or default values for the arguments
                targetClass.idData = GetValueForArgument(parseResult, argument0);

                return targetClass;

            rootCommand.SetAction(parseResult =>
                var targetClass = (GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_1ra93x8) BindFunc(parseResult);

                //  Call the command handler
                var cliContext = new DotMake.CommandLine.CliContext(parseResult);
                var exitCode = 0;
                return exitCode;

            return rootCommand;

        internal static void Initialize()
            var commandBuilder = new GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_1ra93x8Builder();

            // Register this command builder so that it can be found by the definition class
            // and it can be found by the parent definition class if it's a nested/external child.

// <auto-generated />
// Generated by DotMake.CommandLine.SourceGeneration v1.8.0.0
// Roslyn (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis) v4.800.23.57201
// Generation: 2

namespace GeneratedCode
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public class CliCommandAsDelegate_34pdvjr : DotMake.CommandLine.CliCommandAsDelegateDefinition
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public string PersonName { get; set; }

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public int Age { get; set; }

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void Run()
                new object[]

        internal static void Initialize()
            // Register this definition class so that it can be found by the command as delegate hash.

// <auto-generated />
// Generated by DotMake.CommandLine.SourceGeneration v1.8.0.0
// Roslyn (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis) v4.800.23.57201
// Generation: 2

namespace GeneratedCode
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public class CliCommandAsDelegate_34pdvjrBuilder : DotMake.CommandLine.CliCommandBuilder
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public CliCommandAsDelegate_34pdvjrBuilder()
            DefinitionType = typeof(GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_34pdvjr);
            ParentDefinitionType = null;
            NameCasingConvention = DotMake.CommandLine.CliNameCasingConvention.KebabCase;
            NamePrefixConvention = DotMake.CommandLine.CliNamePrefixConvention.DoubleHyphen;
            ShortFormPrefixConvention = DotMake.CommandLine.CliNamePrefixConvention.SingleHyphen;
            ShortFormAutoGenerate = true;

        private GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_34pdvjr CreateInstance()
            return new GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_34pdvjr();

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override System.CommandLine.CliCommand Build()
            // Command for 'CliCommandAsDelegate_34pdvjr' class
            var rootCommand = new System.CommandLine.CliRootCommand()

            var defaultClass = CreateInstance();

            // Option for 'Age' property
            var option0 = new System.CommandLine.CliOption<int>
                Required = false,
            option0.CustomParser = GetParseArgument<int>
            option0.DefaultValueFactory = _ => defaultClass.Age;

            // Argument for 'PersonName' property
            var argument0 = new System.CommandLine.CliArgument<string>
            argument0.CustomParser = GetParseArgument<string>

            // Add nested or external registered children
            foreach (var child in Children)

            BindFunc = (parseResult) =>
                var targetClass = CreateInstance();

                //  Set the parsed or default values for the options
                targetClass.Age = GetValueForOption(parseResult, option0);

                //  Set the parsed or default values for the arguments
                targetClass.PersonName = GetValueForArgument(parseResult, argument0);

                return targetClass;

            rootCommand.SetAction(parseResult =>
                var targetClass = (GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_34pdvjr) BindFunc(parseResult);

                //  Call the command handler
                var cliContext = new DotMake.CommandLine.CliContext(parseResult);
                var exitCode = 0;
                return exitCode;

            return rootCommand;

        internal static void Initialize()
            var commandBuilder = new GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_34pdvjrBuilder();

            // Register this command builder so that it can be found by the definition class
            // and it can be found by the parent definition class if it's a nested/external child.

// <auto-generated />
// Generated by DotMake.CommandLine.SourceGeneration v1.8.0.0
// Roslyn (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis) v4.800.23.57201
// Generation: 2

namespace GeneratedCode
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public class CliCommandAsDelegate_3r0zsnc : DotMake.CommandLine.CliCommandAsDelegateDefinition
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public string arg1 { get; set; }

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public bool opt1 { get; set; }

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void Run()
                new object[]

        internal static void Initialize()
            // Register this definition class so that it can be found by the command as delegate hash.

// <auto-generated />
// Generated by DotMake.CommandLine.SourceGeneration v1.8.0.0
// Roslyn (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis) v4.800.23.57201
// Generation: 2

namespace GeneratedCode
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public class CliCommandAsDelegate_3r0zsncBuilder : DotMake.CommandLine.CliCommandBuilder
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public CliCommandAsDelegate_3r0zsncBuilder()
            DefinitionType = typeof(GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_3r0zsnc);
            ParentDefinitionType = null;
            NameCasingConvention = DotMake.CommandLine.CliNameCasingConvention.KebabCase;
            NamePrefixConvention = DotMake.CommandLine.CliNamePrefixConvention.DoubleHyphen;
            ShortFormPrefixConvention = DotMake.CommandLine.CliNamePrefixConvention.SingleHyphen;
            ShortFormAutoGenerate = true;

        private GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_3r0zsnc CreateInstance()
            return new GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_3r0zsnc();

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override System.CommandLine.CliCommand Build()
            // Command for 'CliCommandAsDelegate_3r0zsnc' class
            var rootCommand = new System.CommandLine.CliRootCommand()

            var defaultClass = CreateInstance();

            // Option for 'opt1' property
            var option0 = new System.CommandLine.CliOption<bool>
                Required = false,
            option0.CustomParser = GetParseArgument<bool>
            option0.DefaultValueFactory = _ => defaultClass.opt1;

            // Argument for 'arg1' property
            var argument0 = new System.CommandLine.CliArgument<string>
            argument0.CustomParser = GetParseArgument<string>

            // Add nested or external registered children
            foreach (var child in Children)

            BindFunc = (parseResult) =>
                var targetClass = CreateInstance();

                //  Set the parsed or default values for the options
                targetClass.opt1 = GetValueForOption(parseResult, option0);

                //  Set the parsed or default values for the arguments
                targetClass.arg1 = GetValueForArgument(parseResult, argument0);

                return targetClass;

            rootCommand.SetAction(parseResult =>
                var targetClass = (GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_3r0zsnc) BindFunc(parseResult);

                //  Call the command handler
                var cliContext = new DotMake.CommandLine.CliContext(parseResult);
                var exitCode = 0;
                return exitCode;

            return rootCommand;

        internal static void Initialize()
            var commandBuilder = new GeneratedCode.CliCommandAsDelegate_3r0zsncBuilder();

            // Register this command builder so that it can be found by the definition class
            // and it can be found by the parent definition class if it's a nested/external child.

Code and pdf at

More than100 examples of RSCG

I am deeply into Roslyn Source Code Generators. I like when code generates code . So I have created ones and make inventory of others  . You can find the examples here by date :  and by category 

I have started when they appeared, with ISourceGenerator and now I am fond , even if the interface

IIncrementalGenerator adds some learning curve.

Some thoughts:

  1. Being code ( even generated) has , obvious, bugs. Can be improved
  2. Microsoft is pushing those –  for the moments, are 12 : List of RSCG | RSCG Examples ( . However, for AOT , seems to be the direction
  3. Some are just glorified interpretors – for example, 103 – HangfireRecurringJob | RSCG Examples ( – translates an attribute to code. But also does a Mapper
  4. There are many ways to do same thing – see mapper category again at 105 RSCG by category | RSCG Examples (
  5. To see the generated files put into the .csproj


Aspire & Intro to GitHub Copilot

Azi , la 19:30

Prezentare 1: Aspire – running multiple services
Descriere: Utilizare Aspire pentru vizualizare multiple servicii, open telemetry, frontend , backend, containere
Prezentator: Andrei Ignat,

Prezentare 2: Intro to GitHub Copilot
Descriere : Voi prezenta:
– la ce am folosit eu Copilot
– ⁠ce e nou în Copilot Chat
– ⁠vom încerca să facem un joc de la zero – doar cu cod generat pe baza unei prezentări de la MS Build 2023 –
Prezentator : Julian (Iulian) Atanasoae ,

Va astept la

RSCG – NetAutomaticInterface

RSCG – NetAutomaticInterface

name NetAutomaticInterface
author codecentric AG

GEnerating interface from class


This is how you can use NetAutomaticInterface .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">



	  <PackageReference Include="AutomaticInterface" Version="2.1.0" OutputItemType="Analyzer" >
	    <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

The code that you will use is

// See for more information
using Class2Interface;

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
IPerson person=new Person();

public class GenerateAutomaticInterfaceAttribute : Attribute
    public GenerateAutomaticInterfaceAttribute(string namespaceName = "") { }

namespace Class2Interface;
internal class Person:IPerson
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string Name
            return $"{FirstName} {LastName}";
    public string FullName()=>$"{FirstName} {LastName}";


The code that is generated is

// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by a tool.
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>

using System.CodeDom.Compiler;

namespace Class2Interface
    [GeneratedCode("AutomaticInterface", "")]
    public partial interface IPerson
        /// <inheritdoc />
        int ID { get; set; }
        /// <inheritdoc />
        string FirstName { get; set; }
        /// <inheritdoc />
        string LastName { get; set; }
        /// <inheritdoc />
        string Name { get; }
        /// <inheritdoc />
        string FullName();

Code and pdf at

RSCG – WhatIAmDoing

RSCG – WhatIAmDoing

name WhatIAmDoing
author Ignat Andrei

Intercept any method in any project


This is how you can use WhatIAmDoing .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


		<!-- <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory" Version="8.0.0" /> -->
		<PackageReference Include="RSCG_WhatIAmDoing" Version="8.2024.10201.735" />
		<PackageReference Include="RSCG_WhatIAmDoing_Common" Version="8.2024.10201.735" />




The code that you will use is

using RSCG_WhatIAmDoing_Common;

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
var data = CachingData.Methods().ToArray();

foreach (var item in data)
    Console.WriteLine($"Method {item.typeAndMethodData.MethodName} from class {item.typeAndMethodData.TypeOfClass} Time: {item.StartedAtDate} state {item.State} ");
    Console.WriteLine($"  =>Arguments: {item.ArgumentsAsString()}");
    if ((item.State & AccumulatedStateMethod.HasResult) == AccumulatedStateMethod.HasResult)
        Console.WriteLine($"  =>Result: {item.Result}");


using RSCG_WhatIAmDoing;
using RSCG_WhatIAmDoing_Common;

namespace WIADDemo;
//[ExposeClass(typeof(Encoding), nameof(Encoding.EncodingName))]
[InterceptStatic("System.Console.*")] // regex
internal class InterceptorMethodStatic : InterceptorMethodStaticBase, IInterceptorMethodStatic



The code that is generated is

#pragma warning disable CS1591 
#pragma warning disable CS9113
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices{
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method,AllowMultiple =true)]
file class InterceptsLocationAttribute(string filePath, int line, int character) : Attribute
}//end namespace

namespace RSCG_InterceptorTemplate{
static partial class SimpleIntercept

//replace code:Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
//replace code:123456789!123456789!123456789!12345
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InterceptsLocation(@"D:\gth\RSCG_Examples\v2\rscg_examples\WIAD\src\WIADDemo\WIADDemo\Program.cs", 3, 9)]
public static  void Intercept__WriteLine_0 (  string? value )  

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,string?> valValues = new (){

};//end valValues

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,string?> stringValues = new() {

                { "value", value  ?.ToString() } ,
            };//end stringValues

            expValues = new() {

            };//end exposeValues

        var x=WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptStaticMethodBefore(
            ,valValues , stringValues , expValues



                WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptMethodAfterWithoutResult(x);

            catch(System.Exception ex){
                WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptMethodException(x,ex);
                WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptMethodFinally(x);

}//end class

}//namespace RSCG_InterceptorTemplate

#pragma warning disable CS1591 
#pragma warning disable CS9113
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices{
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method,AllowMultiple =true)]
file class InterceptsLocationAttribute(string filePath, int line, int character) : Attribute
}//end namespace

namespace RSCG_InterceptorTemplate{
static partial class SimpleIntercept

//replace code:    Console.WriteLine($"Method {item.typeAndMethodData.MethodName} from class {item.typeAndMethodData.TypeOfClass} Time: {item.StartedAtDate} state {item.State} ");
//replace code:123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!1234
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InterceptsLocation(@"D:\gth\RSCG_Examples\v2\rscg_examples\WIAD\src\WIADDemo\WIADDemo\Program.cs", 8, 13)]
public static  void Intercept__WriteLine_1 (  string? value )  

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,string?> valValues = new (){

};//end valValues

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,string?> stringValues = new() {

                { "value", value  ?.ToString() } ,
            };//end stringValues

            expValues = new() {

            };//end exposeValues

        var x=WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptStaticMethodBefore(
            ,valValues , stringValues , expValues



                WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptMethodAfterWithoutResult(x);

            catch(System.Exception ex){
                WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptMethodException(x,ex);
                WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptMethodFinally(x);

}//end class

}//namespace RSCG_InterceptorTemplate

#pragma warning disable CS1591 
#pragma warning disable CS9113
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices{
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method,AllowMultiple =true)]
file class InterceptsLocationAttribute(string filePath, int line, int character) : Attribute
}//end namespace

namespace RSCG_InterceptorTemplate{
static partial class SimpleIntercept

//replace code:    Console.WriteLine($"  =>Arguments: {item.ArgumentsAsString()}");
//replace code:123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!12345678
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InterceptsLocation(@"D:\gth\RSCG_Examples\v2\rscg_examples\WIAD\src\WIADDemo\WIADDemo\Program.cs", 9, 13)]
public static  void Intercept__WriteLine_2 (  string? value )  

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,string?> valValues = new (){

};//end valValues

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,string?> stringValues = new() {

                { "value", value  ?.ToString() } ,
            };//end stringValues

            expValues = new() {

            };//end exposeValues

        var x=WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptStaticMethodBefore(
            ,valValues , stringValues , expValues



                WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptMethodAfterWithoutResult(x);

            catch(System.Exception ex){
                WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptMethodException(x,ex);
                WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptMethodFinally(x);

}//end class

}//namespace RSCG_InterceptorTemplate

#pragma warning disable CS1591 
#pragma warning disable CS9113
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices{
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method,AllowMultiple =true)]
file class InterceptsLocationAttribute(string filePath, int line, int character) : Attribute
}//end namespace

namespace RSCG_InterceptorTemplate{
static partial class SimpleIntercept

//replace code:        Console.WriteLine($"  =>Result: {item.Result}");
//replace code:123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456789!123456
[System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InterceptsLocation(@"D:\gth\RSCG_Examples\v2\rscg_examples\WIAD\src\WIADDemo\WIADDemo\Program.cs", 12, 17)]
public static  void Intercept__WriteLine_3 (  string? value )  

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,string?> valValues = new (){

};//end valValues

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,string?> stringValues = new() {

                { "value", value  ?.ToString() } ,
            };//end stringValues

            expValues = new() {

            };//end exposeValues

        var x=WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptStaticMethodBefore(
            ,valValues , stringValues , expValues



                WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptMethodAfterWithoutResult(x);

            catch(System.Exception ex){
                WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptMethodException(x,ex);
                WIADDemo.InterceptorMethodStatic .InterceptMethodFinally(x);

}//end class

}//namespace RSCG_InterceptorTemplate

Code and pdf at

RSCG – NotNotAppSettings

RSCG – NotNotAppSettings

name NotNotAppSettings
author jasonswearingen

Application Settings to strongly typed classes. Generate also from AppSettings development


This is how you can use NotNotAppSettings .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">


    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi" Version="8.0.1" />
    <PackageReference Include="NotNot.AppSettings" Version="1.0.0" OutputItemType="Analyzer" ReferenceOutputAssembly="true" />
    <PackageReference Include="Swashbuckle.AspNetCore" Version="6.4.0" />

    <AdditionalFiles Update="appsettings.json">

The code that you will use is

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Add services to the container.
// Learn more about configuring Swagger/OpenAPI at
builder.Services.AddSingleton<TestAppSettings.AppSettingsGen.IAppSettingsBinder, TestAppSettings.AppSettingsGen.AppSettingsBinder>();

var app = builder.Build();

// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())


var summaries = new[]
    "Freezing", "Bracing", "Chilly", "Cool", "Mild", "Warm", "Balmy", "Hot", "Sweltering", "Scorching"

var appSettings = app.Services.GetRequiredService<TestAppSettings.AppSettingsGen.IAppSettingsBinder>().AppSettings;

app.MapGet("/weatherforecast", () =>
    var forecast = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(index =>
        new WeatherForecast
            Random.Shared.Next(-20, 55),
    return forecast;


internal record WeatherForecast(DateOnly Date, int TemperatureC, string? Summary)
    public int TemperatureF => 32 + (int)(TemperatureC / 0.5556);


The code that is generated is

 * This file is generated by the NotNot.AppSettings nuget package.
 * Do not edit this file directly, instead edit the appsettings.json files and rebuild the project.
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace TestAppSettings.AppSettingsGen;

public partial class AppSettings {
   public TestAppSettings.AppSettingsGen._AppSettings.Logging? Logging{get; set;}
   public string? AllowedHosts{get; set;}
   public string? AppName{get; set;}


 * This file is generated by the NotNot.AppSettings nuget package.
 * Do not edit this file directly, instead edit the appsettings.json files and rebuild the project.
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace TestAppSettings.AppSettingsGen._AppSettings;

public partial class Logging {
   public TestAppSettings.AppSettingsGen._AppSettings._Logging.LogLevel? LogLevel{get; set;}


 * This file is generated by the NotNot.AppSettings nuget package.
 * Do not edit this file directly, instead edit the appsettings.json files and rebuild the project.
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace TestAppSettings.AppSettingsGen._AppSettings._Logging;

public partial class LogLevel {
   public string? Default{get; set;}
   public string? Microsoft_AspNetCore{get; set;}


 * This file is generated by the NotNot.AppSettings nuget package.
 * Do not edit this file directly, instead edit the appsettings.json files and rebuild the project.

using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
namespace TestAppSettings.AppSettingsGen;

/// <summary>
/// Strongly typed AppSettings.json, recreated every build. 
/// <para>You can use this directly, extend it (it's a partial class), 
/// or get a populated instance of it via the <see cref="AppSettingsBinder"/> DI service</para>
/// </summary>
public partial class AppSettings

/// <summary>
/// a DI service that contains a strongly-typed copy of your appsettings.json
/// <para><strong>DI Usage:</strong></para>
/// <para><c>builder.Services.AddSingleton&lt;IAppSettingsBinder, AppSettingsBinder&gt;();</c></para>
/// <para><c>var app = builder.Build();</c></para>
///  <para><c>var appSettings = app.Services.GetRequiredService&lt;IAppSettingsBinder&gt;().AppSettings;</c></para>
/// <para><strong>Non-DI Usage:</strong></para>
/// <para><c>var appSettings = AppSettingsBinder.LoadDirect();</c></para>
/// </summary>
public partial class AppSettingsBinder : IAppSettingsBinder
   public AppSettings AppSettings { get; protected set; }

   public AppSettingsBinder(IConfiguration _config)
      AppSettings = new AppSettings();

      //automatically reads and binds to config file

   /// <summary>
   /// Manually construct an AppSettings from your appsettings.json files.
   /// <para>NOTE: This method is provided for non-DI users.  If you use DI, don't use this method.  Instead just register this class as a service.</para>
   /// </summary>
   /// <param name="appSettingsLocation">folder where to search for appsettings.json.  defaults to current app folder.</param>
   /// <param name="appSettingsFileNames">lets you override the files to load up.  defaults to 'appsettings.json' and 'appsettings.{DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT}.json'</param>
   /// <param name="throwIfFilesMissing">default is to silently ignore if any of the .json files are missing.</param>
   /// <returns>your strongly typed appsettings with values from your .json loaded in</returns>
   public static AppSettings LoadDirect(string? appSettingsLocation = null,IEnumerable<string>? appSettingsFileNames=null,bool throwIfFilesMissing=false )
      //pick what .json files to load
      if (appSettingsFileNames is null)
         //figure out what env
         var env = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT");
         env ??= Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT");
         env ??= Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ENVIRONMENT");
         //env ??= "Development"; //default to "Development
         if (env is null)
            appSettingsFileNames = new[] { "appsettings.json" };
            appSettingsFileNames = new[] { "appsettings.json", $"appsettings.{env}.json" };

      //build a config from the specified files
      var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
      if (appSettingsLocation != null)
      var optional = !throwIfFilesMissing;
      foreach (var fileName in appSettingsFileNames)
         builder.AddJsonFile(fileName, optional: optional, reloadOnChange: false); // Add appsettings.json
      IConfigurationRoot configuration = builder.Build();

      //now finally get the appsettings we care about
      var binder = new AppSettingsBinder(configuration);
      return binder.AppSettings;

/// <summary>
/// a DI service that contains a strongly-typed copy of your appsettings.json
/// <para><strong>DI Usage:</strong></para>
/// <para><c>builder.Services.AddSingleton&lt;IAppSettingsBinder, AppSettingsBinder&gt;();</c></para>
/// <para><c>var app = builder.Build();</c></para>
///  <para><c>var appSettings = app.Services.GetRequiredService&lt;IAppSettingsBinder&gt;().AppSettings;</c></para>
/// <para><strong>Non-DI Usage:</strong></para>
/// <para><c>var appSettings = AppSettingsBinder.LoadDirect();</c></para>
/// </summary>
public interface IAppSettingsBinder
   public AppSettings AppSettings { get; }

Code and pdf at

RSCG – Weave

RSCG – Weave

name Weave
author John Gietzen

Scriban like generator


This is how you can use Weave .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


	  <None Remove="MyDataT.weave" />
		<PackageReference Include="Weave" Version="2.1.0">
			<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>
	  <WeaveTemplate Include="MyDataT.weave">


The code that you will use is

using WeaveDemo;

Person p = new()
FirstName = "Andrei", LastName = "Ignat" 

MyProject.Templates.RenderFizzBuzz(p, Console.Out);

StringWriter sw = new();
MyProject.Templates.RenderFizzBuzz(p, sw);

namespace WeaveDemo;
internal class Person
    public string? FirstName { get; set; }
    public string? LastName { get; set; }
    public string FullName() => $"{FirstName} {LastName}";


The code that is generated is

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// <auto-generated>
//   This code was generated by Weave
//   Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//   the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    #line 1 "..\..\..\MyDataT.weave"
    #line default
    using System;
    using System.IO;

    partial class
        [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("Weave", "")]
        static void
        #line 2 "..\..\..\MyDataT.weave"
        #line default
            #line 3 "..\..\..\MyDataT.weave"
            #line default
            model, TextWriter writer, string indentation = null)
            var __originalIndentation = indentation = indentation ?? string.Empty;
            writer.Write("I will write p.FullName();");
                #line 7 "..\..\..\MyDataT.weave"
                #line default

Code and pdf at

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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