ADR Business Case

Introduction : This is a test for me to write ADR’s accordingly to . I will try those ADR and see the final result

ADR006 Deploy

TITLE: ADR 006 – Deploy

  • Title

  • Status
  • Evaluation criteria
  • Candidates to consider
  • Research and analysis of each candidate
    • Does/doesn’t meet criteria and why

    • Cost analysis
    • SWOT analysis
    • Opinions and feedback
  • Recommendation

Where and how to deploy

The deployment could be done automatically or manually.

The deployment could be on a cloud provider or on premise or on a hosted server.

For automatically, the easy solution is a Github Action because the code is on Github.



Evaluation criteria

Low cost – 10000

Easy of deployment – 10

Easy of maintenance – 10

Easy of monitoring – 10

Easy of scaling – 10

Easy of rollback – 10

Candidates to consider



Hosted Server

Research and analysis of each candidate

Because of having a sponsored account on Azure, Azure is the first candidate to consider.

Also, Github Actions is integrated with Azure.



ADR based on

ADR Jeff Tyree and Art Akerman

Introduction : This is a test for me to write ADR’s accordingly to . I will try those ADR and see the final result

ADR005 Logging

TITLE: ADR 005 – Logging

  • Status: accepted

  • Deciders: Andrei Ignat
  • Date: 2023-10-07

Technical Story: Must add some logging library in order to debug problems

Context and Problem Statement

Every time there is a problem, logging could solve the problems by having more details about what is wrong

So I MUST add logging

Decision Drivers

  • Making one library for logging is not so complicated , however

    • the exporters to other systems are cumbersome and difficult

    • also threading is a problem when writing to a file
  • There are already production battle tested libraries that performs the work well.

Considered Options

Decision Outcome

Choosing NLog because it is simpler to configure from a text file

Positive Consequences

Devops should be happy – the logging file for production could be also put into SourceControl without problems.

Negative Consequences

Do not support yet SAMNE logging for a class. Could be alleviated by having DebuggerDisplayAttribute for the class and logging the function

Pros and Cons of the Options

  • Good, because Widely adopted

  • Good, because A lot of documentation
  • Good, because Great community
  • Bad, because A bit harder to learn when coming from log4net


  • Good, because A lot of documentation

  • Good, because Having been around a long time, there are lots of blog posts
  • Good, because Easy to get started when coming from other logging frameworks
  • Bad, because Structured logging is still a bit behind Serilog
  • Bad, because C#-based API is harder to use than Serilog’s fluent API


ADR based on

ADR EdgeX Foundry

Introduction : This is a test for me to write ADR’s accordingly to . I will try those ADR and see the final result

ADR003 Tests

TITLE: ADR 003 – Tests

  • Andrei Ignat

Change Log

Referenced Use Case(s)

All use cases, e.g.

  • UseCases001 – No Authentication , upload

must be enforced via an automated Test.


The tests are an important part of the software – so the framework that I am using is important.

Also , the organization of the software must allow testing business rules more than endpoints / GUI that are changing very often.

Also, the code coverage is pretty important – should be at least 80%

Proposed Design

Every GUI application ( Desktop,Console, WebAPI ) must be skinny – i.e. passing data to a business component.

Also, Business should not call static functions ( e.g. DateTime.Now, Environment.CurrentUser) but pass interfaces or functions in order to be Mocked.


Testing GUI’s / endpoints should be make at least possible in the developing of the app, because they are changing fast.


As frameworks we will have :

XUnit ( preferable constructor over [SetUp] ) – see

FluentAssertion – to improve running and debugging

LightBDD – to display tests in a good form

NSubstitute – instead of Moq – see

Rocks –

dotCover CLI –

Other Related ADRs


  • ADR002 – Architecture of the application


ADR based on

ADR Alexandrian

Introduction : This is a test for me to write ADR’s accordingly to . I will try those ADR and see the final result

ADR002 Architecture of application

TITLE: ADR 002 – Type of application

Prologue (Summary)

The app will be used the people that are powershell users and wants their profile shared.

In the context of

Use Case 1 : No Authentication , upload


Use case 3: User can see data for a user name

the decision an WebSite. In order to achieve Use Case 1 from powershell, an WebAPI should be implemented.

Discussion (Context)

From WebAPI we can decouple the GUI(SPA) from the WebAPI – and maybe modifying / trying different GUIs ( Angular, React, MVC)


It is the common way those days to split the app in BackEnd and FrontEnd.


We have the possibility to upgrade separately the BackEnd and FrontEnd.

However, it will be more difficult to debug the SPA.

ADR based on

ADR Michael Nygard

Introduction : This is a test for me to write ADR’s accordingly to . I will try those ADR and see the final result

ADR001 Engine for documentation

TITLE: ADR 001 – Engine for documentation

Status : accepted

Need to have a static documentation site with blog also .

In those days there are many engines on the market. And I can built one 😉 .

Read . The only that seems to fit the bill are REACT based – I cannot afford learning VUE after Angular and React.

The problem with REACT is that he is going also to server side …


Docusaurus it is because

  1. Apparently is it the best on REACT

  2. I know REACT
  3. It has BLOG and Documentation

The build process will be somehow different.

Could be hard to transfer what I have written to another engine

ADR based on

NetPackageAnalyzer and CleanArchitecture

I have analyzed  with . It seems pretty simplistic .

Number projects : 9 (tests : 5, no tests : 4 )

Number packages : 231 (Outdated: 24, Deprecated: 0, Major version differs 14)

Total Commits: 239 ( last commit : this year,2024)

4 Projects


239 commits


Generated by

NetPackageAnalyzer and ContosoUniversity

I have analyzed with . If you open the solution , even if it is a single project, it is well organized , even if not maintained anymore ( no commits this year)

Number projects : 2 (tests : 1, no tests : 1 )

Number packages : 304 (Outdated: 25, Deprecated: 1, Major version differs 9 )

Total Commits: 83 ( last commit : 2023)

1 Projects


83 commits


Generated by

NetPackageAnalyzer and Clean-Architecture-Manga

I have analyzed    with . It seems to be one simplistic , but better than a monolith

Number projects : 9 (tests : 4, no tests : 5 )

Number packages : 213 (Outdated: 26, Deprecated: 4, Major version differs 29 )

Total Commits: 103 ( last commit : 2023)

5 Projects


103 commits


Generated by

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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