NetPackageAnalyzer and eshop

I have analyzed with . It seems one of the good projects to be analyzed from an architecture summary

Number projects : 25 (tests : 5, no tests : 20 )

Number packages : 409 (Outdated: 24, Deprecated: 0, Major version differs 28 )

Total Commits: 193 ( last commit : this year,2024)

20 Projects


193 commits


Generated by

NetPackageAnalyzer–part 6–Commits

Commit data for all time for the solution

You can see the commits for all time for the solution.

Commit data history for each project / folder

You can see the commits for all time for the solution.

And for each year since the beginning of the solution, you can see the commits.

Commit data for each project

You can see the commits for each project.


Most Commits per file
You can see the commits for each file.


Commits with most files per year
You can see the commits with most files per year.


Commits with max files
You can see the commits with max files.


NetPackageAnalyzer–part 5- packages

List of packages

For the solution it generates list of packages from each project and also shows when are differences between the major versions of the packages.

Example docFx

For the solution docFx it generates the following:

Number of packages : 154

Packages with more than 1 version: 30 ( 19 % from total packages)

Number of packages with major version differs: 28

Example PackageAnalyzer

For the solution PackageAnalyzer please look at

Outdated or deprecated packages

It also show the packages that are deprecated or outdated – see

NetPackageAnalyzer–part 4–projects analysis

Projects data

Graph for relations between projects in a solution

For the solution it generates the project relations as in a mermaid graph.


For example, for the solution PackageAnalyzer it generates the following graph:

For the project docFX it generates the following graph:

Building blocks for the solution

Also it generates the building blocks for the solution – you can start from here to understand the solution because those are projects that have not dependencies to other projects.

For the project docFX it generates the following building blocks:

See for the building blocks of the solution PackageAnalyzer.

Root projects

It also generates the projects that are not referenced by other projects . Those are the projects that you can start debugging the solution. See

Test Projects

It will list the test projects of the solution, with their dependencies as graph . See

Data for each project

The tool generates data ( project references, packages, commits ) for each project. See as an example

NetPackageAnalyzer–part 2- technical details

How it is made

The project is made using the following technologies: – .NET Core local tool for the analysis – Docusaurus for the static site

How the analysis of the solution is made

Gathering data

For getting the packages , it runs the following:

  1. Build the solution with dotnet build

  2. List packages from the solution with dotnet list package –format json
  3. Grab the projects from the packages
  4. List the references for each project with dotnet list project reference
  5. For each project find the commits with git log –date=iso-strict –pretty=”%ad\

Generating files

It has a copy of the Docusaurus site in the resources folder.

In the docs folder of the Docusaurus site it adds a folder with the solutions name and generates( with RazorBlade nuget package) the markdown files for the site.

More details at the source,

NetPackageAnalyzer- idea –part 1

I wanted to have a tool that can analyze a C# solution with all the dependencies ( project relations, packages, commits)

It generates a graph of the dependencies for

  • the packages of your solution ( and see when the major version of a package differs between projects)

  • the projects of your solution.
  • the project dependencies of each project.

Along with the graph, it also generates

  • a report for the commits of the solution per years.

  • a report for outdated/deprecated packages per solution.
  • building blocks for the solution – you can start from here to understand the solution

If you want to see how it looks like, you can see how he analyses himself at Analyzer

Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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