Category: Visual Studio

Attach macro

A visual studio macro to attach to a program to your choice:

Public Sub AttachPRogram()
            Dim dbg2 As EnvDTE80.Debugger2 = DTE.Debugger
            Dim trans As EnvDTE80.Transport = dbg2.Transports.Item("Default")
            Dim compName As String = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()
            Dim procAll = dbg2.GetProcesses(trans, compName)
            For Each proc2 As Process2 In procAll
                If (proc2.Name.ToLower().Contains("your program name here")) Then


                End If
            Next proc2

        Catch ex As System.Exception
        End Try
    End Sub

Visual Studio Macro – copy from old code

I have a class ( not under my control) and I want to make a shallow copy of his properties.
I was tired to wrote this

newObject.Prop1= this.Prop1;
newObject.Prop2= this.Prop2;

And I have not want to use reflection or expression trees (

So I have made a fast Visual Studio Macro

Public Module TextRelated

    Public Sub CopyOld()
        Dim t As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
        Dim text As String = t.Text
        Dim str As String = "newObject." + text + " = this." + text + ";"

        modClipboard.ClipboardText = str

    End Sub
End Module

So the work was only to
1. wrote the property
2. click a button

The only part that was difficult was how to put into the clipboard -see the

Simple, but efficient – Enjoy!

Debug Visual Studio 2010 on Windows x64 global.asax

I have Windows 7 on x64. I have installed Visual Studio on top. Besides it is a 32 edition ( as the FF ), he does not know Edit and Continue (see )

However, I did not expect that he does not know how to debug in Application_Start . Read and found this hack :

However, this does not work as Edit and Continue does not work.

So, after thinking a bit, I have come to another hack . There are another server that comes with Visual Studio : Cassini. I do not use this , because there are many difficulties. However, for debugging Application_Start there is very convenient:

So Project, Properties and change from IIS:



to :



That will be all. Works with WebForms and MVC.

Generating history trigger with EF , edmx and TT files

I have wrote in an older post ( ) how to generate history code for tables . The easy solution was to create a tt file that track for the ObjectContext the SaveChanges for each table that has a “history” in name. the limitation is that , when you raise an sql command such as “update table ” you must load from database a lot of rows for this….

Now I want to show the same thing, but generating triggers in database for that ! I start also from edmx file and with a template stealed from ( to have type of fields in the database ) and another stealed and modified from StackOverflow(to generate trigger for after insert , update, delete) I manage to have a solution to generate sql tables and trigger code.

When is that good ?At the beginning stages of a project when the table structure changes by adding a new parameter.

Sample code generated for table Notes(ID, TextNote, PersonID)

print 'Create table Notes_History ';
Create Table Notes_History(
		,History_Action varchar(50)
		,History_From varchar(100) default HOST_NAME()
		,History_User varchar(50) default SYSTEM_USER
		,History_Date varchar(50) default  getdate()
	   ,Id  int   NOT NULL
	   ,Textnote  nvarchar (255)  NULL
	   ,PersonId  int   NULL
print 'end Create table Notes_History ';
print 'create trigger for Notes'
   ON  Notes
	DECLARE @Ins int

DECLARE @Del int

SELECT @Ins = Count(*) FROM inserted

SELECT @Del = Count(*) FROM deleted
if(@Ins  + @Del = 0)

declare @operation varchar(50)
	set @operation ='update';
	if(@ins < @del)
		set @operation ='delete';
	if(@ins > @del)
		set @operation ='insert';

	if(@ins <= @del)
		INSERT INTO Notes_History(History_Action ,Id,Textnote,PersonId)
			select @operation ,Id,Textnote,PersonId from deleted
    INSERT INTO Notes_History(History_Action ,Id,Textnote,PersonId)
			select @operation ,Id,Textnote,PersonId from inserted

The drawback of the code : the user that executes is not always the logged sql server user…
Anyway, what you have to do to use this automatically generated history/audit for tables ?

download historysql and modify

string inputFile = @”Model1.edmx”;

from to your edmx name. Then take the generated code and execute in sql server.

TT files – generate enum from database

Many times you will program against a table that contains something like an enum , like Status( open=1 , close=2, sent=3, approved=4 )  .

It is peculiar to wrote those status as text in the other tables – and you do not like also to have update their codes in the C# (VB.NET) code source each time you will add another one.

Rather , it is convenient to auto-generate from database at once.

But how to do it in Visual Studio ? The answer is .tt files – the files that generates also POCO

So here it is my own template for such enum from database .

To use ,unzip, add to your project that contains the edmx and do what is says below- and you will see as many  .cs file as tables want to put.

//    NO Copyright .Use at your own risk.
//    Please modify :
//    1) the names of tables to generate enums : string nameforenum
//    2) the connection to the database : string connectionstring
//    3) the name of the model : string inputFile
//    Then save the file and you will have an enum …


Andrei Ignat weekly software news(mostly .NET)

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