Part 1 : What is EF record and play :
Part 2: EF Record and play use: Testing :
Part 3: EF Record and play use: Make demo:
Part 4: EF Record and play use: Record user Sql when a bug occurs:
Part 5: EF record and play: conclusions:
Let’s suppose that we have a program that have Departments and Employees.
And we want to make sure that, when we add an employee, the department must exists.
We can ensure this from database ( by foreign key) but we can pro-actively search for the department and throw a more meaningful validation .
More, I like more validation than errors.
So, let’s suppose that in the Validation for the Employee we must check in the database for the IdDepartment to see if there is such a department.
How could we make a test for that runs without a database ?
With some trick: we first Record with a database – then we can Play the file – and we do not need anymore the database. The test is self contained.
Let’s see in action here
#region set record EF
var record = new InterceptionRecordOrPlay(@"", ModeInterception.Play);
var e= new Employee();
e.ValidateEmployee = true;
e.IDDepartment = 60000;
var err= e.Validate(null).ToArray();
Assert.AreEqual(1, err.Length);
Source code is available at
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