Friday Links 541
- user – npm
- JamesNK/aspnetcore-grafana: Grafana dashboards for ASP.NET Core metrics
- FastEndpoints/FastEndpoints: A light-weight REST API development framework for ASP.Net 6 and newer.
- Get Started | FastEndpoints
- NTypewriter/Documentation/ at master · NeVeSpl/NTypewriter
- m31coding/M31.FluentAPI: Generate fluent APIs for your C# classes with ease.
- Fluent API in C#
- TortugaResearch/Tortuga.Shipwright: A trait engine for C#.
- dev-experience/Xtz.StronglyTyped: Set of NuGet packages to strongly-type your interfaces (properties, methods, APIs, DB entities, appsettings). Eliminate stringly-typed interfaces. Make compiler your friend, introduce semantics to your code.