Friday links 247
- AppDomains Won’t Protect Host From a Failing Plugin – CodeProject
- R (programming language) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- A programmer wrote scripts to secretly automate a lot of his job — including to automatically email his wife and make himself a latte – Business Insider
- Programmer Automates His Job For 6 Years, Finally Gets Fired, Forgets How To Code| Interesting Engineering
- marcosnz/Cake-Example: A step-by-step example of using Cake (C# Make) build runner
- cake-build/cake: Cake (C# Make) is a cross platform build automation system.
- Microsoft SQL Server Developer Edition is now free | SQL Server Blog
- 9 truths that computer programmers know that most people don’t. — The Blog of Macleod Sawyer
- Behavior-driven development – Wikipedia