[ADCES]Tracing Microservices with Activity & Connecting Azure App Service to a local DB
Tomorrow , 11 august, 19:00 , ADCES will make another free event about Tracing Microservices with Activity & Connecting Azure App Service to a local DB .
Presentation 1 : Activity , OpenTelemetry and Jaeger for tracing microservices
Presenter: Andrei Ignat, http://msprogrammer.serviciipeweb.ro/
A practical demo about tracing for multiple microservices with .NET Core Activity , OpenTelemetry and Jaeger.
Presentation 2 : Securing the connection between the Azure App Service and an on-premise database
Presenter: Dragos Barbu , https://www.linkedin.com/in/drbarbu/
Description: I’ll show you how you can secure the connection between Microsoft Azure App Service and an on-premise hosted database. I will also present how the Azure App Service can be accessed only by the company employees in a secure way as if it were inside the company
Update: https://ignatandrei.github.io/Presentations/ActvityTracing.html