TILT–CodeCoverage–part 14

The code coverage should be simple – just run tests and that’s all, right ?

For a reason, the coverlet console , dotnet-coverage ,dotnet test do not work – means that code coverage generated was 0% ( I have verified with dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool )

The only that worked was altCover and this is the code into the yml:

dotnet test --no-build src/backend/Net6/NetTilt/NetTilt.sln  /p:AltCover=true /p:AltCoverAssemblyExcludeFilter="Humanizer|Moq|NUnit3|System|DB2GUI|AltCover|NetTilt.Tests" 

It was a good exercise. And now I have this: codecov

And for some tests written already, the code coverage is 46 %. A good one, I think …

Tools used





Visual Studio