Friday links 159

  1. Paginating Real-Time Data with Cursor Based Pagination
  2. ASP.NET MVC 6: Strongly typed routing with IApplicationModelConvention StrathWeb
  3. Science Says These 9 Tactics Will Help You Win Any Argument
  4. How to Use Google Analytics to Optimize Your Content
  5. Home : Atomiq Code Similarity Finder
  6. Lessons everyone should learn in their first job – Business Insider
  7. 15 Signs You’re With A Good Man | Idealist Revolution
  8. 8 Things Dad Taught Me About Finding Prince Charming In A Sea Of Frogs | Idealist Revolution
  9. 7 Things Women Will Always Be Attracted To | Idealist Revolution
  10. Adam Machanic : Re-Inventing the Recursive CTE
  11. What British People Say And What They Actually Mean | Idealist Revolution
  12. is not available
  13. Why do some developers at strong companies like Google consider Agile development to be nonsense? – Agile Overflow
  14. DocumentDB vs Azure SQL vs Azure Table