[ADCES] RSCG & TypeScript and API Development with GraphQL


Prezentare 1: Roslyn Code Generators that Microsoft Uses
Prezentator 1: Andrei Ignat, http://msprogrammer.serviciipeweb.ro/
Descriere 1: O sa prezint ce este un Roslyn Code Generator si o sa enumar ceea ce Microsoft foloseste pentru a imbunatati aplicatia dpdv performanta ( AOT )

Presentare 2 : TypeScript and API Development with GraphQL
Prezentator 2: Adina-Teodora Marcu
Descriere 2: In modern API development, ensuring type safety and preventing runtime errors is crucial, especially as applications scale. TypeScript and GraphQL are a perfect match for building robust, scalable, and type-safe APIs. With TypeScript’s static typing, developers can define precise data models that sync seamlessly with GraphQL schemas, eliminating inconsistencies between the front and back ends. By using tools like TypeGraphQL or Apollo, you can leverage TypeScript to auto-generate types, enforce data contracts, and improve overall developer experience, leading to faster development cycles and fewer bugs in production. Let’s explore how these two technologies streamline API development and create more maintainable, efficient codebases!