NetCoreUsefullEndpoints-part 13–adding runtime information

In the Nuget NetCoreUsefullEndpoints I have added information about the runtime information :

You can access by going to localhost:5027/api/usefull/runtimeinformationAll and the end result is

“frameworkDescription”: “.NET 8.0.8”,
“osDescription”: “Microsoft Windows 10.0.22631”,
“processArchitecture”: “X64”,
“osArchitecture”: “X64”

The code that returns this is

route.MapGet("api/usefull/runtimeinformation/", (HttpContext httpContext) =>
            return TypedResults.Ok(new Helper().FromStaticRuntimeInformation());

( I have used a Roslyn Code Generator ,–source-csproj-source-files- , that generates a class from a static class )