NetPackageAnalyzer–part 2- technical details

How it is made

The project is made using the following technologies: – .NET Core local tool for the analysis – Docusaurus for the static site

How the analysis of the solution is made

Gathering data

For getting the packages , it runs the following:

  1. Build the solution with dotnet build

  2. List packages from the solution with dotnet list package –format json
  3. Grab the projects from the packages
  4. List the references for each project with dotnet list project reference
  5. For each project find the commits with git log –date=iso-strict –pretty=”%ad\

Generating files

It has a copy of the Docusaurus site in the resources folder.

In the docs folder of the Docusaurus site it adds a folder with the solutions name and generates( with RazorBlade nuget package) the markdown files for the site.

More details at the source,