Introduction in Roslyn Code Generators & Building Your Own Search Assistant

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Presentation 1 : Introduction in Roslyn Code Generators
Presenter : Ignat Andrei,
Presentation 2: # Building Your Own Search Assistant: A Hands-On Guide to Internet-Connected AI Tools
Ever marveled at Microsoft’s Copilot knack for discussing up-to-the-minute topics, despite being trained on data up to only September 2021? Curious about the magic that goes on under the hood?
Join Vlad as he peels back the curtain on the innovative techniques used to create a search assistant that can converse about current events. This interactive session will guide you through the entire process, exploring methods like fine-tuning, retrieval augmented generation, and tackling challenges such as slow model inference and context window limitations.
Expect a live demonstration of a simple yet effective application and walk away with the knowledge to craft your very own assistant using just Python, pandas, and the Azure OpenAI APIs. Don’t miss the chance to move from concept to code in this practical deep dive!

Presenter: Vlad Iliescu,

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