Friday Links 452

  1. Getting Started with Blazor’s New Render Modes in .NET 8
  2. MSBuildSdks/src/CopyOnWrite at main · microsoft/MSBuildSdks
  3. Test-Driving Windows 11 Dev Drive for .NET – Maarten Balliauw {blog}
  4. mk3008/Carbunql: A lightweight library for parsing and building select queries. SQL can be rebuilt dynamically.
  5. devlooped/GitInfo: Git and SemVer Info from MSBuild, C# and VB
  6. tmds/Tmds.ExecFunction: Execute a function in a separate process
  7. Tips and tricks for Source Generators · Papafe
  8. Tales from the .NET Migration Trenches – Hangfire
  9. Samples and Templates | Adaptive Cards
  10. Cytoscape.js