Friday Links 449

  1. Use Azure Migrate application and code assessment for .NET with the .NET CLI – .NET | Microsoft Learn
  2. Fededim.Extensions.Configuration.Protected: the ultimate integration between ASP.NET Configuration and Data Protection API – CodeProject
  3. Periodic Table of Tools
  4. bitjson/qr-code: A no-framework, no-dependencies, customizable, animate-able, SVG-based HTML element.
  5. How to Embed a YouTube Video in GitHub ReadMe Markdown | Blog
  6. Deep Cloning Objects in JavaScript, the Modern Way
  7. Dapr terminology and definitions | Dapr Docs
  8. How to make libraries compatible with native AOT – .NET Blog
  9. We have used too many levels of abstractions and now the future looks bleak
  10. 5 Lessons on Career Growth From a Google Exec | by Daniel Rizea | Entrepreneur’s Handbook