RSCG – OptionToStringGenerator

RSCG – OptionToStringGenerator

name OptionToStringGenerator
author Jim W

Generating similar ToString method for classes with many properties. It can also generate for external classes.


This is how you can use OptionToStringGenerator .

The code that you start with is

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <PackageReference Include="Seekatar.OptionToStringGenerator" Version="0.3.1" />

The code that you will use is

using Class2String;
using Seekatar.OptionToStringGenerator;
var p = new Person();
p.FirstName = "Andrei";
p.LastName = "Ignat";
p.Age = 50;

using Seekatar.OptionToStringGenerator;

namespace Class2String;

internal class Person
    [OutputMask(PrefixLen = 3)]
    public string? FirstName { get; set; }
    [OutputMask(SuffixLen = 3)]
    public string? LastName { get; set; }

    public string FUllName => $"{FirstName} {LastName}";

    public int Age { get; set; }


The code that is generated is

#nullable enable
using static Seekatar.Mask;
namespace Seekatar.OptionToStringGenerator
    public static partial class ClassExtensions
        internal static string OptionsToString(this Class2String.Person o)
            return $@"Class2String.Person:
  FirstName : {Format(o?.FirstName,prefixLen:3,suffixLen:0)}
  LastName  : {Format(o?.LastName,prefixLen:0,suffixLen:3)}
  FUllName  : {Format(o?.FUllName)}

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