Friday links 553

  1. GitHub – juliencrn/usehooks-ts: React hook library, ready to use, written in Typescript.
  2. The convenience of System.IO – .NET Blog
  3. Set up a Dev Drive on Windows 11 | Microsoft Learn
  4. Your database skills are not ‘good to have’
  5. Why you should probably be using SQLite | Epic Web Dev by Kent C. Dodds
  6. Adept’s wild AI tool can customize any website to your liking
  7. Want to achieve your goals? Get angry, say researchers
  8. Lessons learned from two decades of Site Reliability Engineering
  9. GitHub – saschagrunert/demo: A framework for performing live pre-recorded command line demos in the wild
  10. Building resilient, runnable command-line demos with Asciinema and `demo` · Jamie Tanna | Software Engineer