Aspire Blazor WebAssembly and WebAPI


Aspire is the new visualizer – see

I am very fond of WebAPI  –  it allows for all people to see the functionality of a site , in a programmatic way ( side note: , my nuget package, , allows to make workflows from your WebAPI)

And Blazor WebAssembly is a nice addition that the WebAPI . I am talking about Interactive WebAssembly (  )  . I do want ( for the moment ) to use Interactive Server because

  1. it is easy to forget to add functionality to the WebAPI
  2. it is not separating UI from BL

So I decided to add an Blazor WebAssembly and WebAPI into Aspire to see how they work together.

The first problem that  I have is how to transmit the WebAPI URL to the Blazor WebAssembly . Think that is not Interactive Server or Auto – in order to have the environment or configuration . Blazor Interactive WebAssembly  are just static files that are downloaded to the client. And they are executed in the browser.

But I have tried with adding to the Environment in usual way

.WithEnvironment(ctx =&gt;
if (api.Resource.TryGetAllocatedEndPoints(out var end))
if (end.Any())
	ctx.EnvironmentVariables["HOSTAPI"] = end.First().UriString;


And no use!

After reading ASP.NET Core Blazor configuration | Microsoft Learn  and aspire/src/Microsoft.Extensions.ServiceDiscovery at main · dotnet/aspire ( and API review for Service Discovery · Issue #789 · dotnet/aspire ( I realized that the ONLY way is to put in wwwroot/appsettings.json

So I came with the following code that tries to write DIRECTLY to wwwroot/appsettings.json file

namespace Aspire.Hosting;
public static class BlazorWebAssemblyProjectExtensions
    public static IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> AddWebAssemblyProject<TProject>(
        this IDistributedApplicationBuilder builder, string name,
        IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> api) 
        where TProject : IServiceMetadata, new()
        var projectbuilder = builder.AddProject<TProject>(name);
        var p=new TProject();
        string hostApi= p.ProjectPath;
        var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(hostApi);
        var wwwroot = Path.Combine(dir, "wwwroot");
        if (!Directory.Exists(wwwroot)) {
        var file = Path.Combine(wwwroot, "appsettings.json");
        if (!File.Exists(file))
            File.WriteAllText(file, "{}");
        projectbuilder =projectbuilder.WithEnvironment(ctx =>
            if (api.Resource.TryGetAllocatedEndPoints(out var end))
                if (end.Any())
                    var fileContent = File.ReadAllText(file);

                    Dictionary<string, object>? dict;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileContent))
                        dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                        dict = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string,object>>(fileContent!);

                    dict["HOSTAPI"] = end.First().UriString;                    
                    JsonSerializerOptions opt = new JsonSerializerOptions(JsonSerializerOptions.Default)
                            { WriteIndented=true};

        return projectbuilder;


And in Aspire

var api = builder.AddProject<Projects.ExampleWebAPI>(nameof(Projects.ExampleWebAPI));
builder.AddWebAssemblyProject<Projects.ExampleBlazorApp>(nameof(Projects.ExampleBlazorApp), api);

And in Blazor Interactive WebAssembly

var hostApi = builder.Configuration["HOSTAPI"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hostApi))
    hostApi = builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress;
    var dict = new Dictionary<string, string?> { { "HOSTAPI", hostApi } };

builder.Services.AddKeyedScoped("db",(sp,_) => new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(hostApi) });

What about deploying the code to production ? Well, I think that is better to wrote yourself to wwwroot/appsettings.json and remove the data . But I will try to deploy and let you know….