Deploy Blazor WASM to Github Pages in 7 steps


You have an Blazor Interactive WebAssembly ( CSR ) , not a Server ( static or interactive)

I will make as the repo is  . Change my name with yours and TILT  with your repo

So let’s start

Step 1   You must configure GitHub Pages – create a docs folder and put an index.html  . Then  goto github Settings => Pages ( )  and put there main / docs  . 

Step 2  Verify it is working. If your repo is , then browse to and ensure that you can see the index. If not, goto Step 1

Step 3  Add 2 files .nojekyll (content : null , empty …. just create it ) and .gitattributes ( content : *.js binary )

Step 4 dotnet publish your Blazor WASM csproj . Find the folder wwwroot where was published.

Step  5  Find index.html  in the folder . Edit base href , put the repo name  (<base href=”/TILT/” />  ). Also you can modify the css/js  by adding the date ( e.g.  <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”css/app.css?202312162300″ /> ) .

Step 6  Copy the index.html and the other files inside the docs folder . Also, copy the index.html as 404.html file

Step 7 Commit and push. Now you can enjoy your Blazor site hosted for free in github  : 

Note 1 : If some url’s do not work , then try to add the following

@inject IWebAssemblyHostEnvironment HostEnvironment
     var baseAddress = HostEnvironment.BaseAddress;
     if (!baseAddress.EndsWith(“/”)) baseAddress += “/”;


to the url

Note 2:  For more deployments please read