[ADCES] Redis & Microsoft Semantic Kernel

Azi , 14 noiembrie 2023, ora 19:30 ,  va fi un nou meetup ADCES despre

Redis & Microsoft Semantic Kernel

Presentation 1: Introduction to Redis
Description: Nice and gently introduction in Redis practice
Presenter: Marius Sorin Stratulat,https://www.linkedin.com/in/smariussorin

Presentation 2: Beyond Clicks: Unleashing the Power of Microsoft Semantic Kernel for a Semantic Interface in API Communication – A Deep Dive into the GPT-4 Powered Robot Car Demo
Description: Microsoft Semantic Kernel (SK) is a new technology that enables the integration of AI Large Language Models (LLMs) with conventional programming languages like C#, Python and Java. SK brings together several key components to provide planning and execution capabilities. These components include a robust kernel that provides the foundation for all other components, plugins (formerly known as skills) for performing specific tasks, connectors for interfacing with external systems, memories for storing information about past events, steps for defining individual actions, and pipelines for organizing complex multi-stage plans. We will explore how to build a semantic interface for an existing API (controlling a Car Robot) using plugins and execution plans containing semantic and native functions.
Presenter: Daniel Costea ,https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielcostea/

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